The television show Everybody Loves Raymond is a sitcom about the Barone family. A fan-favorite character exists in Robert Barone, Raymond’s quirky older brother. Throughout the series, Robert was often portrayed as a loner, though he did date several women.

Robert’s most successful relationship throughout the series was his relationship with Amy. These two had many inspiriting and adorable moments that had audiences saying “awwww.” But this relationship wasn’t without its flaws. Here are 5 times Robert and Amy were couple goals and 5 times they weren’t.

10 Not Goals: First Meeting

Many couples have a “meet-cute.” Robert and Amy are not one of those couples. Amy is hanging out with Debra, complaining about how lonely she is and how badly she wants to be in a relationship with Robert.

She is immediately interested in Robert when she learns that he is Ray’s brother and sees him eating raw cookie dough straight out of the wrapper. It is clear that Robert is also not in the best frame of mind either as he is still recovering from his divorce. Amy throws herself at Robert, but it is clear these two were brought together out of desperation.

9 Goals: Eyes Locking

After Robert discovers the woman he was dating enjoys eating flies, he swears off dating altogether. He goes to a bar to drink alone and accidentally spills a drink on a woman. This woman turns out to be Amy and as the two lock eyes, the audience breaks into a collective “awwwww.”

Even though Robert has just made a huge mistake and spilled on Amy, the two are so happy to be reconnected that it’s as if they don’t notice anything else in the world. The deep connection that can be felt in this moment is something for which many people spend their whole life searching.


8 Not Goals: Robert’s Ex

Robert had a difficult time getting over his ex-wife Joanne. When he runs into Joanne years later, he considers trying to rekindle his relationship with her. Although he is dating Amy, he considers leaving her. His willingness to throw their entire relationship away to chase after his ex-wife is disheartening.

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7 Goals: Snow Day Dance

During a snowstorm, Robert, Amy, Ray, and Debra find themselves stuck at Marie and Frank’s house. As there are many clashing relationships in this group, a fight eventually ensues. Towards the end of the night, everyone is sitting silently in the same room. Robert decides to turn up some music and begins awkwardly thrusting to dance to the music.

Although Amy is reading a magazine, she instantly jumps up and joins Robert. This prompts Amy and Ray to join in as Frank and Marie watch with a bewildered look on their face. This moment shows the solidarity between Robert and Amy and the joy they find from being around one another.

6 Not Goals: Yelling At Amy

Robert can be a bit explosive. When he is frustrated, he often begins to yell without stopping to listen for a response from the person at which he is yelling. Over the 7 seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond, several fights between Robert and Amy occur.

In one instance, Robert yells at Amy to stop talking to Raymond, believing that she has shared some of Robert’s secrets with him. In his yelling, Robert accidentally lets a few of his own secrets slip – such as his tenancy to eat his food in alphabetical order and his secret habit of getting pedicures.

5 Goals: Celebrating Together

Amy is a very excitable character. When she is happy, she is really happy. There are several moments where Robert and Amy celebrate together. Their over the top reactions usually include some combination of jumping, screaming, and holding onto each other.

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When Robert and Amy believe that Marie and Frank are moving and that they will be getting the house, they all begin to celebrate in Ray and Debra’s kitchen. Robert gets so excited that he lifts Amy up and puts her on top of the fridge while she laughs and shakes her arms and legs. Their energetic interactions are contagious.

4 Not Goals: Afraid Of Commitment

Amy was ready for a commitment much earlier than Robert. They had several fights about his unwillingness to commit to Amy.

On two occasions, Robert’s fear of taking the relationship to the next level and his refusal to propose leads to the end of the couple’s relationship. Luckily, they always find their way back to each other.

3 Goals: Proposal

As Debra and Amy leave a restaurant together, a bunch of police cars pull up and ask Amy to identify herself. While she is initially fearful, this turns out to be an elaborate proposal put together by Robert. Amy is initially stunned.

She begins hugging Robert before even answering his “Will you marry me?” question. When Debra asks if that is a yes, Amy screams yes as she jumps up and down, still holding onto Robert. Robert is incredibly thoughtful and has gone out of the way to surprise and excite Amy.

2 Not Goals: Botching Wedding Invites

Robert would have a lot more success in his relationship if he didn’t take advice from his brother Raymond. When Amy asks Robert to help with the wedding invitations, Raymond convinces Robert to use the “dumb husband routine” to get Amy to take over the task. Together, Ray and Robert craft a terrible invitation. This invitation was never intended to go out, as they were first supposed to go to Amy for approval.

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Instead, the invitations are accidentally mailed out. When Amy furiously confronts Robert, he makes it worse by saying that he thought it would be best to botch the invitations so as to not take this opportunity away from Amy. Yikes!

1 Goals: Wedding Dance

Despite their ups and downs, Amy and Robert love each other and embrace and appreciate each other’s quirks. Nothing makes this more evident than their first dance at their wedding.

Instead of choosing a romantic slow dance, the pair bust out into an upbeat dance. Of course, neither of them are good dancers – but that doesn’t matter to them in this moment as they accept themselves and are just excited to be starting their life together.

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