Gojira accomplished quite a lot between Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs. Kong, which had a five-year time gap. Tie-in material for the movie has revealed that the Titan was extremely active for two of those years.

The ending of King of the Monsters launched a new phase of Godzilla’s life by having him defeat Ghidorah and become the alpha of the Titans. The next time he appeared on the big screen was when he came to Pensacola, Florida to destroy an APEX facility in Godzilla vs. Kong. What happened between these two events was left ambiguous, but they were explored in the novelization for Godzilla vs Kong and the graphic novel prequel, Godzilla: Dominion.


It would seem that being the alpha of all the Titans was a demanding job for Godzilla, who was kept busy by the actions of his new minions. Here’s everything that is known about what Godzilla was doing after his fight with Ghidorah and before his return in Godzilla vs. Kong.

Godzilla Visited Rodan

The only interaction between Godzilla and Rodan that happened on-screen was the look they exchanged in King of the Monsters when Rodan became the first Titan to bow down to him. They didn’t get a chance to team-up in Godzilla vs. Kong, but the movie’s novelization suggests that they did have a second meeting. As mentioned in the King of the Monsters credits, Rodan found a new volcano to roost in at Fiji. According to Mark Russell, this place was the first location that Godzilla set his sights on during his reign as alpha of the Titans. It seems that Godzilla went there to make sure that Rodan was staying out of trouble, but what happened when he arrived there hasn’t been discussed.

Godzilla Checked On Quetzalcoatl

Visiting Rodan at Fiji was part of what Monarch referred to as “the big cleanup”. Mark explained in the book that Godzilla followed up his ascension with a “global walkabout” that involved him checking on his Titan minions and making sure that they were all staying in line. After inspecting Rodan’s activities at Fiji, he turned his attention to Quetzalcoatl, one of King of the Monsters’ 11 missing Titans. A monitor screen confirmed that this creature (widely believed by fans to be a flying serpent) was being observed at a Monarch outpost in Peru. As for where he was when Godzilla checked on him, that was never specified. It’s also not known if Godzilla was forced to fight Quetzalcoatl, or if their encounter was a peaceful one.

Godzilla Defeated Scylla

It’s possible that Godzilla avoided hostile conflicts with Rodan and Quetzalcoatl, but that’s certainly not what happened in Georgia when he crossed paths with Scylla, the six-legged insect Titan from King of the Monsters. While there, Scylla discovered an atomic bomb that had been buried in the ocean for several decades. Looking to feed on its radiation, Scylla ended up in a fight with humans. Luckily, Godzilla arrived to rein in the Titan. Though the monster recognized Godzilla as the alpha, she wanted the radiation so badly that it was willing to rebel and fight back against Godzilla. After being easily overwhelmed by her opponent’s physical might, Scylla fled the scene.

Godzilla Swam By Skull Island

Both the novelization and Dominion briefly touch on Godzilla’s previous attempts to fight Kong. It appears that between the two movies, Godzilla swam near Skull Island, knowing that Kong was there. Godzilla roared to let his enemy know he was there, but he didn’t show up. Kong, who was stuck in Monarch’s containment facility at the time, had no way of leaving the island and fighting him. Godzilla, for reasons Monarch didn’t completely understand, didn’t try to break through the facility and get to Kong. Instead, he chose to wait until Kong left.

Godzilla Rescued A Titan From Terrorists

Na Kika, an octopus Titan awakened by Ghidorah’s call, found herself being harassed by a terrorist group near an offshore oil rig located at the Sea of Okhotsk. They ensnared her in a giant net with the intention of using her unique composition for making bioweapons. Godzilla, who detected this disturbance, showed up and freed Na Kika from the terrorists, wiping them out in the process. Thanks to Godzilla’s timely intervention, the monster was able to swim to safety.

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Godzilla Saved Behemoth From Amhuluk

King of the Monsters’ mammoth Titan, Behemoth, relocated to the Amazon rainforest once Ghidorah was defeated. As one of the MonsterVerse’s more peaceful Titans, Behemoth didn’t attack the humans in the area, nor was he regarded as a threat to the locals. However, his presence there didn’t come without problems. Amhuluk, another of King of the Monsters’ mystery Titans, traveled to the Amazon and battled Behemoth, possibly in an effort to claim the territory for himself. Behemoth was losing the fight until Godzilla arrived to scare off his assailant. Being fully aware of Godzilla’s superiority, Amhuluk was quick to submit to the alpha.

Godzilla Defeated Tiamat

What may have been the final event of Godzilla’s “big cleanup” was his fight with Tiamat, a powerful sea serpent from Akkadian mythology. During a trip to one of his old lairs, Godzilla was ambushed by the Titan, who had since claimed it as her own. A brutal, prolonged battle in the ocean proved Tiamat to be the strongest foe Godzilla had fought since Ghidorah. But while she did turn out to be a great challenge for him, Godzilla still prevailed in the end. When he got her on land and gained the upper hand, Tiamat abruptly stopped fighting and acknowledged Godzilla as the winner.

Godzilla (& the Titans) Returned To Hibernation

Mark notes in the novelization that Godzilla went off the radar about two years after King of the Monsters. That means there was a period of approximately three years where Monarch has no record of any Godzilla activity. They don’t know the reason for his disappearance or where he went, but Dominion did provide the answer. It was mentioned in the comic that Godzilla was exhausted from patrolling the planet. Plus, he understood that keeping this up on a long-term basis wasn’t going to work. Ghidorah had unleashed too many Titans for him to police alone. Earth’s resources were too limited for them all to just peacefully coexist with humans. So after taking down Tiamat, Godzilla elected to put an end to this by calling the Titans back into hibernation. With the Titans asleep again, this gave Godzilla the chance he needed to rest and recuperate ahead of Godzilla vs. Kong.

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