Sarah Hall is one of the main characters in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. She starts out as a close ally to players before her character’s story takes several compelling and tragic turns. Here’s everything players need to know about Call of Duty‘s Sarah Hall.

Sarah Hall is one of the main team members serving under John Taylor’s team. She’s an IT Specialist who joined Project Prometheus and the Cyber Soldier program prior to the player’s character. Despite Call of Duty: Black Ops III’s campaign getting mixed reviews, there are some pretty compelling storytelling moments in the game – and Sarah Hall’s story is a big part of that.


After players are critically injured in Ethiopia, they are flown to the Coalescence Corporation in Zurich. It’s there, before major surgery, that Sarah Hall teaches players how to extract information and interface with other DNI users. Direct Neural Interface, or DNI, is a major plot point of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. A bug in the DNI’s system, Corvus, even serves as the main antagonist of the game. It’s through DNI and Corvus that Sarah’s story takes a tragic turn.

What Happens To Sarah Hall In Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3

While Call of Duty: Black Ops 3‘s biggest draw may have been its multiplayer, something that propelled the game to a massive opening weekend in 2015, the campaign certainly has its moments, too. In trying to save the player’s life, John Taylor tries to interface with them, but he’s infected with Corvus instead. Shortly after, in an attempt to save Taylor, Sarah Hall syncs to his DNI and is infected with Corvus as well. Sadly, this means Hall becomes an antagonist for the rest of the game’s campaign, and players must deal with her accordingly.

Ultimately, players are unable to save Sarah Hall from Corvus. In a moment of sentience, Hall asks players to kill her. Unfortunately, players have to grant Sarah Hall’s wish, leaving her brain dead in real life as well as in the DNI immersion. It’s a sad end to her character, who initially joined the military in order to find a family. However, she reappears as a Reserves character in Blackout in Black Ops 4, despite dying in Black Ops 3.

The biggest draw to Call of Duty: Black Ops III is definitely its multiplayer, but the campaign focused on DNI immersion and Corvus is still pretty interesting. Sarah Hall’s story is one of the most compelling and tragic parts of the main campaign. especially considering her downfall came from trying to save the lives of people she cared about.

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