Evil Strange in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness could spell major consequences for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3‘s Adam Warlock. With its nausea-inducing kaleidoscope worlds and trippy inter-dimensional detours, 2016’s Doctor Strange was madder than every other MCU outing combined. Taking that bar as a personal challenge, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness promises to go even further down the rabbit hole of cinematic insanity. Directed by Sam Raimi (replacing the original film’s Scott Derrickson), Doctor Strange 2 will introduce parallel variants of famed MCU characters, and a trailer released alongside Spider-Man: No Way Home shockingly reveals an evil version of Stephen Strange himself among them.


Literal worlds away from Sanctum Sanctorum, a less familiar face is preparing to make his long-awaited MCU debut. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2‘s post-credits set up Marvel’s Adam Warlock, and though many expected the character might feature in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame, his bow is now penciled in for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, where Will Poulter brings the powerful golden-haired entity to life.

Evil Strange and Adam Warlock may not share much in common at first glance – other than the virtues of growing up in West London – but their fates could be more intertwined than we realize. If this darker version of Doctor Strange means what many MCU fans think it means, he can bring a core element of Warlock’s comic book mythology into live-action.

How What If…? Set Up Evil Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness‘ trailer isn’t the first time a darker iteration of Benedict Cumberbatch has been glimpsed in the MCU. What If…? premiered on Disney+ in August 2021, each episode offering an alternate take on MCU history from elsewhere in the multiverse. Though the anthology stories remain mostly separate from main MCU continuity, the highly-acclaimed episode 4 introduces Strange Supreme.

In this universe, Stephen and Christine Palmer are still together when the events of 2016’s Doctor Strange movie begin. Whereas MCU Strange was alone during the fateful car crash that stole away use of his hands, the couple travel together in What If…?‘s alternate reality. Predictably, it’s Christine that Strange loses in this world, rather than his motor skills. Motivated by a different kind of loss, Strange still trains in the mystic arts and becomes the bearded magician fans know and love, but with the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, obsesses over undoing Christine’s death. No matter how he changes history (driving more carefully, having a night in, ghosting Christine completely, etc.), destiny course-corrects itself. An increasingly desperate Strange travels to the legendary Lost Library of Cagliostro, where he absorbs inter-dimensional beings like a dog who just found the Thanksgiving leftovers. Finally, Doctor Strange is powerful enough to resurrect Christine… but the paradox tears apart his entire universe.

Strange Supreme returns in What If…?‘s final episode, leading the Guardians of the Multiverse – a team assembled by The Watcher to fight an Infinity Stone-fueled version of Ultron. The mission is successful, and What If…? concludes with Strange Supreme watching over the Infinity Stones inside a frozen pocket dimension.

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There’s no guarantee the pale wizard in Doctor Strange 2‘s trailer is Strange Supreme from What If…?, but if it looks like a Strange Supreme, swims like a Strange Supreme, and quacks like a Strange Supreme, it’s probably Strange Supreme.

Evil Doctor Strange Could Bring Infinity Stones Back To The MCU

As of Avengers: Infinity War, Infinity Stones no longer exist within the MCU’s present timeline. After successfully snapping half of the universe into oblivion, Thanos wielded the Infinity Gauntlet a second time to destroy the stones themselves. However, Loki confirmed each MCU reality contains its own set of coveted colored gems – and a complete collection is currently sitting in a pocket dimension guarded by Strange Supreme.

Could Strange Supreme’s presence in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness be connected to the Infinity Stones he was tasked by The Watcher to protect in What If…? season 1’s finale? Strange Supreme turned over a new leaf, after all, but his live-action counterpart in the Doctor Strange 2 trailer is positively dripping with evil intentions. How do all these dots connect?

In Marvel comic lore, Infinity Gems do not work outside their native universe. There’s intense debate over whether that rule applies within the MCU, especially after What If…?‘s Ultron was shown harnessing his stones across the multiverse. What If…? writer A.C. Bradley addressed the perceived plot hole, suggesting Ultron circumvented the restriction by using the Infinity Stones to power himself (who came from the same universe as the stones), and punching the multiverse into “one messy universe soup.”

A certain Strange Supreme might find these revised rules rather intriguing. Despite having six Infinity Stones within his grasp, Strange Supreme knows the rocks are mere paperweights anywhere but Ultron’s post-apocalyptic reality. But the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home might’ve created another “messy universe soup.” Now, finally, Strange Supreme can seize Ultron’s stones for himself and bring back Christine Palmer – perhaps stealing her from a reality where she still exists… like the MCU. By the time Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is over, it’s possible that a working set in Infinity Stones would’ve reentered the MCU.

Adam Warlock Makes No Sense Without The Infinity Stones

And this is where Adam Warlock potentially connects to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In Marvel comic lore, Adam’s very existence is defined by the Infinity Stones. Though he’s created by an enclave of shady scientists hellbent on engineering the perfect human, Adam’s strength is amplified significantly upon receiving the Soul Stone from the High Evolutionary. Bonding symbiotically with the orange chunk of rock, Adam Warlock represents the living embodiment of the Soul Stone for virtually his entire Marvel comic journey, acting as a vessel for its power, and finding balance between his own personality and the will of his inner Infinity Stone. Additionally, Adam’s most famous and memorable stories are his Jim Starlin-penned run-ins against Thanos, preventing the Mad Titan assembling a full Infinity Gauntlet and wreaking destruction upon the universe.

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Introducing Adam Warlock into an MCU that already lost its Infinity Stones is like debuting Hawkeye in a universe where the bow and arrow was never invented. Adam’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 debut already comes too late to pit Will Poulter against Thanos. If the MCU also deprives Adam Warlock of his Soul Stone connection, is the character really “Adam Warlock,” or a completely separate character going under the same moniker? Marvel comics place such emphasis upon Adam’s introspective Soul Stone dynamic. The gem’s vampiric qualities challenge Adam to control such a vast power, and the responsibility of harboring an Infinity Gem drives his actions and decisions in most scenarios. These are key tenets of the character, and without them, Will Poulter’s MCU Adam Warlock will struggle to feel authentic.

Adam Warlock Could Be The MCU’s Real Infinity Watch

Another significant Infinity Stone-themed storyline from Adam Warlock’s comic book adventures is becoming leader of Marvel’s Infinity Watch. Debuting in 1992, the Living Tribunal decided no one should possess every Infinity Stone simultaneously (yes, it took one of the multiverse’s wisest beings to realize). Consequently, Adam Warlock was charged with dividing the stones among various individuals who’d protect them. Warlock himself obviously retained the Soul Stone, while the likes of Gamora, Black Widow, Drax, Pip the Troll and even Thanos were afforded one stone each, preventing any further Gauntlet-related universe-ending incidents. The Infinity Watch fended off many a Marvel villain who sought to control the combined Infinity powers for themselves.

If Strange Supreme brings another set in Infinity Stones into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney’s movie franchise may soon get its own Infinity Watch adaptation. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 could have Adam Warlock absorb the Soul Stone reintroduced by Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, thus evolving into a more accurate representation of the comic character. Warlock could then leave the Time Stone with Strange, allowing Benedict Cumberbatch to once again carry the Eye of Agamotto in the MCU. Eternals introduced comic Infinity Watch member Pip the Troll, and the Mind Stone can go to White Vision, effectively resurrecting the original synthezoid. The remaining Infinity Stones could then be shared among various universal good guys – the Avengers, Nova, Wakanda, etc.

A live-action Infinity Watch allows the Infinity Stones to once again exist within the MCU – but without the threat of another Thanos-style snap. Now the universe is aware of the threat posed, it’ll be less inclined to leave Infinity Stones lying around random planets for a dancing thief to swipe. And so long as the Soul Stone resides inside Adam Warlock, the MCU could feasibly make assembling a full gauntlet impossible. ruling out another Thanos, but giving the likes of Warlock, Doctor Strange and Vision the benefits of possessing a single gem. Everything depends on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madnessand Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

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