Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid‘s 4th Season is set to continue by introducing its second character, Poisandra. Coming from the Power Rangers: Dino Charge series in 2015, Poisandra marks the newest of the mainline Power Rangers TV series characters to appear in nWay’s fighting game. Poisandra’s place as the second character in Season 4 places her between two popular characters from the original series, Black Ninja Ranger Adam Park and Rita Repulsa, giving Poisandra stiff competition to live up to. Despite this, fans will be pleased to see that Poisandra brings plenty of tools that set her apart from the rest of the roster.


While Battle For The Grid eschews Poisandra’s propensity for make-up, the fighting game shows her to be a more than capable combatant with her Scythe Heart Lance. Poisandra’s tools enable her to mix up her opponents in various ways while showcasing her superiority in controlling the battlefield with mobility tools, cross-up potential, and screen-filling traps and summons.

Poisandra also comes equipped with ways to neutralize an opponent’s long-range offense while creating easy setups for long combos. These can take opponents from one end of the screen to the other, showcasing Poisy’s potent potential and perplexing offense in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid. A breakdown of moves from Poisandra’s moveset can be found below.

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid – Poisandra’s Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels (6M) allows Poisandra to hit a crouching target even as they’re blocking from that position. On the surface, the move acts as a typical overhead, a type of move seen in fighting games both basic and complex, but Head Over Heels is also capable of hitting a target that is on the ground. This results in an OTG situation where Poisandra can continue combos even after an opponent has hit the ground. Between the move’s overhead properties and its ability to create OTG combos, Head Over Heels may have its use as a staple for Poisandra’s combo extensions in Power Rangers: BFTG.

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid – Candy Swirl Is Poisandra’s Jumping Special

Poisandra’s Jumping Special attack in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid is called Candy Swirl, aptly named as Poisandra spins vertically with her Scythe Heart Lance extended to execute the attack. This move grants Poisandra a wall-bounce if used on a target in the air, further amplifying her combo potential. To add another wrinkle, Poisandra’s Candy Swirl hits behind her as well, giving the move great cross-up potential from a jump-in. If an opponent is hit in the air with Candy Swirl’s backswing, this can trigger a reverse wall bounce. This reverse wall bounce is counted separately from the regular wall bounce, allowing the right setup to trigger an extended combo with a double wall bounce.

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid – Carousel Kick

Keeping with Candy Swirl’s theme of wall bounce opportunities, Poisandra’s Carousel Kick (6H) sees Poisy planting the lance on the ground to perform a high-velocity, horizontal spin kick that can also cause a wall bounce upon connecting. This wall bounce can be triggered against either a grounded or aerial opponent in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid, not unlike Ryu’s Tatsumaki follow-up. Poisandra’s Carousel Kick shares the same properties as Candy Swirl in that it can attack an opponent behind her as well as cause a reverse wall bounce, creating combos with one another with the proper spacing to allow an opponent to drop from the Candy Swirl wall bounce into a Carousal Kick.

Heart Throb Is Poisandra’s EX Special In Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid

Poisandra’s EX Special is Heart Throb. Poisy blows a kiss to her opponent, sending it forward like a slow-moving projectile. This move allows Poisy to send other projectiles back at her target, giving her a deflection tool that can bat back even Super moves to their user. When used in close range in Power Rangers: BFTG, Heart Throb automatically follows up with a two-hit combo to send the opponent flying and create space, making it an ideal combo ender for the player to create some room.

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If Heart Throb hits from further away, it will cause the opponent to fall into a crumple state, allowing Poisandra an opportunity to close distance and take advantage of the new opening to begin another combo. Heart Throb’s ability to deflect projectiles as it travels forward makes it a reliable tool for Poisy to control the zoning game and keep things in her favor as an errant projectile can result in a punishing Heart Throb and a big damage combo to the opponent.

Poisandra’s Sledgums/Sledge Sprint/Sledge Splash In Power Rangers: BFTG

Poisandra’s neutral Special involves her summoning her husband to the field. By summoning Sledge, players are able to even further control the spacing and zoning dynamic of a fight in a move familiar to fans of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. His normal attack sees him firing projectiles in front of Poisy as well as an upward angle to act as an anti-air. When summoned, players can then hit 4S or 6S to perform two other attacks in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid.

6S has Sledge perform the Sledge Sprint, allowing him to plow through enemy attacks and charge straight forward to control the ground. 4S performs the Sledge Splash, a move similar to E. Honda’s Sumo Splash in Street Fighter. This move sees Sledge take to the sky, homing in on the target before belly-flopping down onto them. While it is not an overhead, this move can further serve to deter aerial-based offense and keep an opponent locked down. Summoning Sledge also does not count toward the use of an assist, allowing Poisy to fill the screen with Sledge, an assist character, and Sweet Tooth or even Heart Throb if the player has the meter to create nearly full-screen coverage and open the opponent for Poisy’s offense.

Poisandra’s Sweet Tooth Special Attack In Power Rangers: BFTG

Further demonstrating her control of spacing and range is Poisandra’s Sweet Tooth special attack. By pressing either 4S or 6S, Poisy will place a dessert behind or in front of her respectively. If the player holds 6S, Poisy will launch the dessert further forward. This gives Poisandra a trap for her opponents that lasts up to six seconds, but it can be detonated on contact or be defused if the opponent hits Poisy first.

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If an opponent touches the trap, the dessert will explode, sending the target bouncing toward Poisy and opening up more combo opportunities once again. This move can be used to dictate the pace, with players setting Sweet Tooth in an effort to keep opponents locked down or second-guessing. If the player is able to read their opponent, it can also be used to bait out a projectile for Heart Throb to deflect, leaving the target open to a combo opportunity in this Power Rangers game.

Power Rangers: BFTG – Poisandra’s Light Target Combo

Target combos have been a mainstay in fighting games since their inception, seeing plenty of use among the Season 5 newcomers in Street Fighter 5. Poisandra’s light target combo in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid involves her twirling with her Scythe Heart Lance in a technique that can be chained into either Head Over Heels or the Carousel Kick. This chain allows players to use the light target combo to hit-confirm or poke to bait out an opening before following through into either a ground bounce from Head Over Heels or a wall bounce from Carousel Kick. Due to Head Over Heels’ overhead properties, a player caught crouch-blocking the opening portions of the target combo can be caught unaware by Head Over Heels if they aren’t quick enough to react to the incoming mix-up.

Power Ranges: BFTG – Poisandra’s Medium Target Combo

Poisandra’s medium target combo in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid causes Poisy to switch sides with her opponent, twirling her lance past them and then teleporting behind them to catch it. This target combo adds even more dangerous potential to Poisy’s arsenal with its ability to side switch. Poisandra’s ability to fill the screen with Sledge, Sweet Tooth, Heart Throb, and any assist before using her medium target combo to swap sides with her opponent can create perilous situations where the opponent is caught between Poisy and her numerous other tools as Poisy applies pressure from both sides.

With the proper setup, a player using the medium target combo to close distance and force the aforementioned situation may make it difficult for an opponent to fight their way out. The mobility granted by the medium target combo makes it a fundamental tool in Poisy’s expansive arsenal.

Power Rangers: BFTG – Poisandra’s Heavy Target Combo

Poisandra’s heavy target combo sees her use her lance in a three-hit spinning attack that strikes low on his seconds and third hit. Players can alter the timing of their target combo and even change the final hit from a low to an overhead with 6H at the end. The ability to change from the low to an overhead creates yet another potential mix up in Poisandra’s already-startling amount of tools in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid, particularly if preceded by any one of her normal methods to overwhelm an opponent. Altering the timing can also result in the opponent being unable to consistently read the low or the overhead finish, adding another wrinkle to a basic yet deceivingly tricky combo.

Magna Beam Is Poisandra’s Super In Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid

Poisandra’s Super relies on her villainous husband Sledge in Power Rangers as the Magna Beam from their shared spaceship fires on him, causing him to grow up to an enormous size before stomping down on the opponent. Like other Supers in Battle for the Grid, this Super will OTG, giving players the chance to finish their combos with Sledge bringing his boot down on the target. Despite its appearance, the Magna Beam is not an overhead. However, its strength lies in its potential as a combo ender and its sheer damage output, standing as perhaps the strongest single-hit attack in the entire game. Poisy’s combo potential with the Magna Beam used as an ender makes for a dangerous combination of brains and brawn.

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Poisandra’s extensive arsenal has the potential to make her a dangerous new addition to the scene. With plenty of lockdown potential along with mind-boggling combo possibilities, Poisy looks to be a character with a high skill ceiling, rewarding players for their extensive knowledge of spacing with ways to completely stifle an opponent’s momentum. Poisandra may not have the legacy or notoriety of some of her fellow villains within the Power Rangers franchise, but her arrival in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid promises to shine a whole new light on the prehistoric threat to Earth when she launches on November 16.

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