The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced LAF, the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe villains. In the opening sequence for Marvel’s latest Disney+ series, Sam Wilson (aka, Falcon) is on a mission to stop a criminal organization known as LAF. Batroc, last seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, is also a part of the group that has kidnapped U.S. Captain Vasant. With Vasant in tow, LAF planned to enter into Libyan air space, which would have prevented the U.S. Air Force from going after them or risk causing an international kerfuffle. Enter Falcon, who goes after the villains single-handedly. But, who are these new MCU villains and what are their connections to the comics? 


LAF is a criminal organization happily profiting from the chaos in a post-Avengers: Endgame world. Georges Batroc, a vicious mercenary, seems to be operating as LAF’s leader, though it’s unclear when he may have joined up with criminals. The organization’s members are lethal; they’ve got wingsuits and a plethora of gadgets and weapons that allow them to do their jobs and escape whatever situation they’re in. While their screen time in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is limited, it seems LAF is powerful enough to kidnap an American pilot and — if it wasn’t for the Falcon — would have gotten away with it, too. 

There is no organization by the name of LAF in Marvel comics, so it’s hard to say if and how the criminal group will continue to factor into the Disney+ series. That said, the fact that Batroc is among their ranks suggests they might be a substitute for Batroc’s Brigade, a team of mercenaries defeated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain America in The Winter Soldier. It’s unclear what LAF is ultimately planning to do in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In the comics, however, the second iteration of Batroc’s Brigade was hired by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, former leader of HYDRA, to kill Captain America. 

Von Strucker is currently dead in the MCU (killed off in Avengers: Age of Ultron), though WandaVision did include an Easter egg that suggests he could reappear later on somehow. While von Strucker is unlikely to appear in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it’s possible LAF was hired by none other than Helmut Zemo, the villain who was also last seen in The Winter Soldier. Considering how the Disney+ series is more or less a continuation of the Captain America movies, it can’t be a coincidence that Batroc and Zemo will play a role on the same show.   

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To be sure, the Flag-Smashers, an anarchist group who want to return the world to the blip-era, currently seem far more deadly than LAF in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The latter appeared only briefly and their actions are so far limited to their kidnapping of Vasant and the subsequent battle with the Falcon. However, Batroc’s involvement might be the key to what they have planned and it’s likely they’ll show up once more to wreak havoc. Simply by abducting an American pilot and hijacking a plane showcases how powerful and confident LAF is. Whatever they have in store can’t be good and will likely take the combined efforts of Sam and Bucky to stop them. 

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