One of the internet’s largest video game streamers, TimTheTatman, has yet to win his first crown in Fall Guys, and the official Fall Guys Twitter is not letting him live it down. Tim has frequently found himself to be the butt of jokes in the past with his boisterous personality and thick skin making him an easy target. However, his newfound rivalry with Fall Guys is a new level for Tim.

On Twitch, TimTheTatman pulls an average of 47,000 viewers per stream, has 5.2 million followers, 31,000 subscribers, and – so far – 0 crowns. He has streamed with other large personalities such as Ninja, Dr. Lupo, and Summit1g, and has been on Twitch since 2012, and has only recently started to play Fall Guys with some of his colleagues.


Tim was first made fun of for his Fall Guys record by his colleagues, Nickmercs and Cloakzy, who each have several crowns to their names. Clips of Tim failing at Fall Guys were uploaded to Twitter, which the Fall Guys community manager quickly caught wind of. Since then, Tim has been declared the worst player in all of Fall Guys. Fall Guys first tweeted at Tim on August 15th, stating that they had been told to swing by and ask how many crowns he had won. The answer: 0. Shortly after, Fall Guys tweeted at Tim again saying that they were looking for an “L” but someone had said Tim had taken them all. A day later, Fall Guys tweeted that they had ranked all of the players in Fall Guys and announced that Tim was not, in fact, in last place. They jokingly claimed that an account used for AFK testing was the only one ranked lower than Tim. Running the numbers again, Fall Guys tweeted that Tim would never be able to win a crown by himself, and they offered to gift him one that he could pretend he won. They also offered to send a video of the developers winning a crown that Tim could stream and pretend to be playing.

TimTheTatman went live on August 17th with one goal in mind: win a crown so he can stop being bullied by jelly beans. Tim tweeted at Fall Guys stating that he was tired of the harassment and that he would be getting a win today. Of course, Fall Guys doubled down on its tweeting by making fun of Tim during his entire broadcast. Tim did not get a win during his 7-hour stream, and Fall Guys made sure the Twitter-verse knew about it. While Tim may have felt defeated after an unsuccessful stream, Fall Guys capitalized on his failures.

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Tim has been the butt of many jokes during his time as a streamer, but never has he seen this level of harassment from a developer. It is all in good fun, and at this point, it may be better for both parties if Tim never gets a crown. This running gag has become quite a spectacle, and it has undoubtedly garnered both Tim and Fall Guys a lot of attention. While TimTheTatman winning his first crown would be a sight to behold, he should probably milk his lack of a crown for as long as he can.

Fall Guys is available on PS4 and PC.

Sources: Fall Guys

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