The tragedy in Fallout 4 is not witnessing the devastated remains of a once-proud civilization but rather not including a certain companion named Valentine to the romance pool. That would be one Nick Valentine, which is ironic since the game already lets players romance a ghoul who wears a pirate hat.

It’s a shame, since Nick is one of the most captivating companions when it comes to wit and wasteland perspective. Whenever he’s around, he always drops some hilarious wisdom and callous sarcasm, making him an entertaining companion. He’s also known to turn a phrase, proving that the man is no robot.

10 “Used To Go With A Gal From Malden. And To Head Off The Next Natural Question: No, She Wasn’t A Toaster.”

Well, that pretty much answers the question of whether Nick Valentine is dateable or not. He does have his own experience with love, only he was quite vague about them. That “gal” could have been anyone from a fellow synth to a super mutant.

One thing is for sure, though, it’s no household appliance — Nick has class. The dude knows how to dress well and even solve some of the most notorious crimes in the Commonwealth. He certainly can tell a difference between a toaster and something with emotion. Makes one wonder where the “toaster” part came from, though.

9 “Even Good People Do Crazy Things When They’re Scared. Ought To Be Diamond City’s Motto.”

When he’s not being lighthearted with his dating history, Nick is dropping some wisdom bombs to remind players what they’ve gotten themselves into. Being a regular in Diamond City and someone who makes his living solving its crimes and mysteries, Nick knows the place in and out.

Suffice to say, Nick Valentine is aware that morality is not black and white, especially in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where anyone’s main motivation is survival. He sounds like he’s seen his fair share of acquaintances and even friends resorting to a life of crime just to get by in Diamond City.


8 “Good God, You Catch The Plates On That One?”

Without context, this Nick Valentine quote isn’t anything special. However, he blurts out this line after a UFO flies past the players’ heads in one of the alien quests. It’s classic Nick Valentine with his perfect response to some of the weirdest happenings in the wasteland.

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The man sounds like he has seen stuff that’s way more bizarre than some cliched alien spacecraft breaking the Commonwealth’s speed limit. Oddly enough, the “plates” joke was quite old-fashioned considering that there are no cars or automobile transportation in the Commonwealth, meaning Nick Valentine remembers the good old days of chasing down traffic violators back in his Pre-War detective days.

7 “There Really Is No Way To Ride A Seesaw With Dignity.”

Each companion in Fallout 4 always has something to say whenever they enter a new area. Out of all of them, Nick Valentine’s is the most entertaining, as usual. Even something as mundane and boring as a broken wasteland playground reminds him of something funny.

Case in point is: his memories of people embarrassing themselves during a seesaw ride. Or maybe it turned out he wasn’t so immune to its charms despite being a calm and collected synthetic, and tried it out for himself — losing his dignity in the process.

6 “Hey, Chin Up. I Know The Night Just Got Darker, But It Won’t Last Forever.”

That right there is Nick Valentine at his most inspiring. Not many companions can motivate the players in the face of hopelessness, but Nick Valentine always seems to know what to say at the right moment.

For someone who isn’t born nor made out of organic matter, he’s more eloquent and refined compared to the usual denizen of Diamond City. He definitely knows how to use his metaphors, too — it’s no wonder why certain factions fear that the synths might take over the human race.

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5 “I Told Them I Was Rigged To Explode And Started Going ‘Beep, Beep, Beep.’ Hardest Part Of That Rescue Was Trying Not To Laugh As They Ran Over Each Other Trying To Get Away.”

Most players know Nick Valentine as a robot with someone else’s memories and detective skills. However, banter like this proves that he has transcended past that and turned himself into his own person. He’s still the Nick Valentine of Pre-War times but with his own added synth twist.

As a testament to how acclimated he is to his new self, Nick has embraced synth-hood and even weaponizes it sometimes. Truth be told, it’s hard to imagine the old organic Nick Valentine being able to pull something like this off even when his life depended on it.

4 “If You Find Any Pieces Of My Legs, Could You Pick Them Up For Me?”

Another example of Nick Valentine embracing and taking full advantage of his upgraded self is how he always manages to remain calm under fire and even cracks some jokes from time to time. It would seem that he’s rather used to his robot parts getting blown off.

That line above is something Nick utters to the player whenever something explodes at or near him. It’s as if he has resigned himself to the possibility of losing some limbs or other body parts during firefights. Just a regular Tuesday for Nick Valentine.

3 “More Stairs? Who Built This Damn Vault, A Fitness Instructor?”

One has to hand it to Nick Valentine; he knows how to read the room, especially when the players are getting tired of climbing stairs over and over again and just want to reach their destination. That line above is definitely not for him since he technically doesn’t need air for physical activity.

It’s more likely that he can see the player characters wheezing their lungs out so he blurts out a joke to make himself seem less out-of-place. That, or he still has his fond Pre-War memories of trying to conquer winding staircases with fragile human lungs.

2 “Who Do You Think Actually Won The War? No One, I Guess.”

Speaking of Pre-War Commonwealth, Nick Valentine definitely knows what the world lost. It would have been fascinating to see his first moments being reborn as a synth in a post-apocalyptic world where everything he valued was gone.

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Now that he’s had his fill of the wasteland, Nick Valentine appears adamant that everyone lost in the war and that there was no victor. Even he lost his sweet respite of death and likely everyone he knew before the war. The Commonwealth could use more war-weary individuals like Nick.

1 “My Name Is Mister Handy, Tidier Of Things. Look Upon This Room I Said I’d Cleaned, And Despair.”

It’s nice to see Nick Valentine retaining plenty of his literary smarts and memories even as he transitioned into a Synth. Apart from sometimes quoting Edgar Allan Poe, he also makes some parodies of Percy Shelley’s “Ozymandias.”

In this case, Nick’s mocking the Mister Handy robots who have become nearly useless when the world literally became a garbage dump. Ultimately, this makes Nick Valentine a comedic genius given his range of jokes and humor, which is way better than the average human’s.

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