Many fans have spent a lot of time with Fallout 4 at this point, and most probably assume that they know everything the game has to offer. This may actually be true for the vast majority of in-game systems and mechanics. A lot of players however don’t really know the extent of the Pip-Boy’s secrets. There are several things that players are able to do with the device that Fallout 4 never really explains.

The Pip-Boy has a wide range of impressive skills that help the player manage their inventory and view their map. Having access to this device is necessary to proceed through Fallout 4’s apocalyptic world. There are several secret mechanics hiding in the Pip-Boy though that are fun and can make the player’s life a lot easier. This guide will show players what those mechanics are.


Play Old School Games in Fallout 4

One of the silliest mechanics that the Pip-Boy is capable of is playing old-school mini-games. In order to do this, players must first track down a game holotape on their travels. Sometimes these holotapes are inside computer terminals or if players find a Robco Fun magazine they will be rewarded a game. From there players just have to go to the miscellaneous file in their inventory in order to load it into their Pip-Boy.

Alter The Pip-Boy’s Color Scheme in Fallout 4

In all of the modern Fallout titles the Pip-Boy has featured a retro green color for its display. This color fits in really well with the world’s aesthetic, but many players probably have never realized that they can change it. This change however can’t be done from the Pip-Boy menu but rather the game’s options. If players make their way to the display options they will find a choice to change the color of both the HUD and the Pip-Boy’s color scheme.

Use The Flashlight in Fallout 4

During the course of Fallout 4 it is a given that players will eventually find themselves stuck in almost complete darkness. These areas can be very dangerous to explore, and many players may not realize that they have access to a flashlight at all times. Turning this light on is extremely easy, as players will just need to hold down the button that opens the Pip-Boy menu. This casts a bright light around them in whatever color the Pip-Boy is set to. (Pro Tip: change the color scheme to white for a brighter light in dark areas.)

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Mod the Pip-Boy in Fallout 4

Many players may have noticed that if they go to an armor workbench their Pip-Boy will show up on the menu. Sadly, there are no options to modify the Pip-Boy in anyway at first. This can be solved by accessing Fallout 4′s Creation Club content. This content allows players to add mods into their game, which includes modifying the Pip-Boy. From here players can add all kinds of cosmetic upgrades to their device.

Switch to Local Map View in Fallout 4

One of the options that players are given within the Pip-Boy’s map menu is the option to switch to local map view. This can give several advantages both in conflict or just exploring. While exploring this mode can show the best escape routes in certain areas or and buildings that can be entered. While in combat, on the other hand, it will help players discover terrain that can be used to their advantage like hills or cover.

Track Supply Lines in Fallout 4

Supply lines are a necessity in Fallout 4 for players who want to build the best settlements possible. Players are only capable of carrying a certain amount of crafting items, so many of these items have to be stored at settlements. By opening up supply lines players can access items from any of their settlements that are connected. The only issue is that over time players may forget where they have supply lines at. By going into the map menu players can very easily allow supply lines to be tracked, which allows them to see where these lines are at.

Expert players may have known exactly how to do these things with ease, but, as these mechanics aren’t exactly explained, there are many out there who had no idea these things could be accomplished in-game. Fallout 4 may be a few years old at this point, but some players are still discovering new things every day. Hopefully, now those players are on their way to understanding their Pip-Boy a little more now.

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Fallout 4 can be played on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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