Fallout 76 lets players trek across a vast wasteland that’s teeming with secrets. One, in particular, is the elusive Wendigo Colossus that’s that is hard to find as any other mythological creature.

Developed by Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 76 was released on November 14, 2018, as a prequel to the original installments. Being an action-RPG, players take control of a customized character that is tasked with traversing a nuclear wasteland that’s the remnants of an Earth-shattering event called “The Great War”. The main quest involves trying to find the Overseer of ‘Vault 76’, which is a large shelter that houses the best minds in the world. The Overseer disappeared after the grand opening of the vault (which is known as Reclamation Day) and the main character needs to track her down and find out what happened. The story takes place across Appalachia, which is now a twisted form of West Virginia.


Players can freely explore Appalachia and discover the many secrets that are buried across the landscape. Plus, players can team up with three of their friends, or just simply venture out into the wilderness alone. Through the adventure, players will accumulate ‘skill points’ that can be used to upgrade their; charisma, endurance, perception, strength, agility, luck, and intelligence. The main character can be molded to be any type of ‘class’ that suits the player’s style. Since there is a slew of mutants and mythic creatures dwelling the landscape, firearms will be the primary weapons to use. Like any other RPG, there’s a wide variety of collectibles to find and some are only found after ‘nuking’ an area, which uproots certain valuables and even powerful creatures.

How To Find The Wendigo Colossus in Fallout 76

One creature, in particular, that shows up after nuking an area is the ‘Wendigo Colossus’. The Wendigo Colossus is a new addition to the game that came with the ‘Wastelanders Expansion’.  Also, this mythological beast is one of the toughest enemies to defeat in the game. The best way to spawn the Wendigo Colossus is by nuking any random area that has a “random assault encounters” happening. More often than not, the Wendigo Colossus could show up at north of the ‘monorail elevator’ because this location is loaded with random assault encounters and this will increase the chances of the Wendigo Colossus spawning. Of course, it spawning only happens after players drop atomic heat within this location and there’s still a 7% chance it’ll show up. So, players will have to keep trying until they succeed. After the atomic blast dissipates, check the map, and players will notice “green dots” scattered on the interface. These dots are markers of where the Wendigo Colossus could potentially be located. The only way to know for sure is to go out there and explore. Make way to these markers and clear out the area, If the Wendigo isn’t anywhere to be found, then just simply move onto the next marker. Keep going back and forth in these areas and clear them out until the ancient creature finally shows up.

How To Beat The Wendigo Colossus in Fallout 76

With any luck, players will eventually face the Wendigo Colossus and it’s nothing to snuff at. Not only is this woodland creature ugly, but it’s also a force to be reckoned with. It’s quick and can easily take out players with one-hit. On top of that, it travels with a posse of other high-level Wendigos for backup. It’s recommended that players team up and have repaired weapons before taking on this over-sized cannibalistic wretch. It’s also a good idea to have plenty of; stimpacks and ammo. As for attacks, this creature has three different distinct heads; a “corrosive head”, “a poisonous head”, and a “screeching head.” Therefore, there are three different types of projectiles it can hurl at players. The ‘corrosive’ and ‘poisonous’ attacks will eat through players’ armor and the ‘screeching attack’ will disarm players as they run in fright uncontrollably. It’s important to keep distance and fire off a few rounds before retreating.

Chip away its health then, hide to get out of the line of fire. Constant movement is key because it’s easy to get surrounded and even get melted by the lingering poison and acid. If possible, sneak around behind it and plug it a few times. Any weapon that has a rapid rate-of-fire will be ideal or even explosive projectiles. Every couple of minutes, the Wendigo Colossus will bend over and “roar’ at the player, causing them to run away uncontrollably. The player should use this to their advantage, as it provides a “breather” and enables time to gather collectibles, switch weapons, or buff up. Standard hit and run tactics against the Wendigo Colossus will break it down until it ultimately topples over.

Looting the corpse of the Wendigo Colossus will grant some random items, most notably the ‘Wendigo Colossus Vocal Sac’. This can be broken down into ‘two acids’ and ‘two nuclear materials.’ On top of that, it’s also possible to find a God-tier weapon (such as the Anti-armor Minigun). Of course, sometimes players will just get some ammo and stimpacks, it varies. Taking out the Wendigo Colossus is no easy feat. However, with the possible loot to be found, it’s a risk worth taking.

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Fallout 76 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows

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