Fallout is one of Bethesda’s most recognizable titles, spanning six full titles and a handful of spin offs. The world of Fallout was a 1950s inspired dystopia before nuclear war turned vast swathes of North America into atomic wasteland. Things only deteriorated from there, with hostile aliens, strange mutants (including horrifically oversized bugs), raider gangs, shadow government forces (and worse) fighting for control. Pre-War civilization wondered who would shelter them come the inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

Enter Vault-Tec. Championed by the cheery thumbs-up-giving Vault Boy mascot and advertising themselves as saviors, Vault-Tec hid a sinister modus operandi. While a lucky few got to reside in the relatively benign control Vaults, most vault dwellers were subjected to a variety of macabre and often mind-boggling experiments. Post-apocalypse, the Vault-Tec executives appear to have fallen off the radar, failing to check in with their Vault Overseers. Could Vault-Tec still be out there, waiting?


For one thing, players certainly know for a fact that Vault-Tec has connections within the Enclave. Contracted by the American government before the war for Project Safehouse, Vault-Tec was meant to provide shelter for the public in the event of nuclear devastation, however, only seventeen of the known Vaults in Fallout were actually designed to do so. The rest of the Vaults, featuring experiments from the annoying to the downright lethal, were intended to supply the Enclave with information. It’s unknown what the Enclave intended to use this information for, but it is known that the Enclave has a habit of surviving protagonist-led destruction.

Fallout’s Enclave May Be Monitoring Vault Experiments

Vault 87 lends credence to the idea that Vault-Tec, via the Enclave, are still monitoring things to some extent. Appearing in Fallout 3, Vault 87 was a testing ground for the FEV, or Forced Evolutionary Virus, intended to create super-humans but instead creating Super Mutants. While it’s not the first place FEV has been deployed, nor the origin of the Super Mutants, it’s hard to believe that the Enclave wouldn’t keep some tabs on the place. Indeed, in game the Enclave do appear in Vault 87 vying with the Lone Wanderer to retrieve a G.E.C.K. – another odd thing to leave in an unmonitored Vault. 

Players also know that some form of remote monitoring was in place for select Vaults. Vault 111 in particular, featured an experiment in cryostasis that was intended to be monitored from a distance after 180 days. It’s unclear if Vault-Tec did monitor this location, as they made no contact with on-site staff, as Fallout 4’s protagonist the Sole Survivor uncovers. Without the all clear, the Overseer refused to allow the staff to leave, prompting a mutiny. Whether something went wrong or this was another twisted experiment into the human psyche, it’s undeniable that Vault-Tec were at least confident in their remote monitoring capabilities. 

An optional location in Fallout 4 hints at possible answers. Covenant, an anti-synth settlement in the Commonwealth, uses a modified version of the Vault’s G.O.A.T. test to root out suspected synths. Interestingly, though the player cannot fail the test, it is noted to be inaccurate in game, leaving open the possibility that the Sole Survivor could be a synth.  Combined with Vault-Tec’s links to the Enclave, and given a key part of the Enclave’s ideology is the sub-human status of all mutated humans, an interesting question arises. Is the Enclave, via Vault-Tec, trying to discover the essence of humanity? 

If the Enclave is still involved with the experiments, then players may already know just how they are monitoring the Vaults. Developed by RobCo, the Eyebot has been used by the Enclave throughout the Fallout universe to spread propaganda, spy on wastelanders, and even call Enclave forces. Notably, Eyebots work underground in the subway networks the player can explore. It’s possible this same technology is used in the Vaults.

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With more Fallout 76 content planned and the next single-player Fallout likely a ways out yet, the wait for more information on Vault-Tec’s agenda and current status could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. In the meantime, theories will abound. 

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