Family Guy has proven to be a truly exceptional show, standing the test of time and lasting nearly two full decades on television (not to mention getting canceled and brought back from the dead).

Naturally, since the Griffin family has been around for so long now, audiences have not only gotten incredibly familiar with Spooner Street’s most efficient hijinks but a cache of secondary and minor characters as well. With that in mind, whichever Seth MacFarlane created character is your favorite might say more about you than you’d think.

9 Joe Swanson

There may not be a long-list of Joe-centric episodes over the course of the show’s 20 seasons, but anytime Peter’s handicapable neighbor appears he’s sure to be good for a few laughs. Keep in mind, this is an obscene comedy, so the show certainly gets a few digs in about Joe’s inability to walk, but the counter-contrast of Joe being a buff/fit police officer allows the show a healthy balance of give-and-take.

So, if Joe happens to be your favorite character, it’s quite possible that you’re a person who is fully capable: at your work, at taking jokes made about you, at being a good father/husband/friend, at life in general. Keep it up, Joes.

8 Cleveland Brown

Cleveland’s story is certainly a meandering one as he left the show for 4 years (to lead his own spinoff) and then returned with the new family he had made. That said, despite his roundabout route, Cleveland has always remained the same lovable, teddy-bear that audiences were introduced to in season 1.

If Cleveland is the character that brings you the most joy, perhaps you’re a person who doesn’t feel the need to be tied down to any particular location, searching and seeking for family/friends wherever you can. But make no mistake, you always find your way back to your true home.


7 Glenn Quagmire

It’s no secret that Quagmire’s character revolves mostly around comedic relief and that his brand of comedy is usually sexually themed. That said, there’s much more to Quagmire than just sex-jokes. Over the course of the series, fans have seen Quagmire give up a child to a more supportive family, protect his sister from a physically abusive boyfriend, and be a proud supporter of his father who came out as transexual.

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So, if Glenn is your favorite character, there’s a slight chance that you enjoy having a few more partners than the average person does, but don’t ever be ashamed of that because you’re clearly full of love and are capable of spreading the wealth around to everyone in your life.

6 Brian Griffin

Arguably the most famous dog on television (Snoopy’s definitely in the running) Brian was pretty ordinary for the first few seasons (aside from being able to talk). However, over the course of twenty years, Brian has evolved into, more than anything, Stewie’s sidekick for adventures. That said, Brian is still the best pet the Griffin’s could ever ask for and he’s always there to help his family.

With Brian being your favorite character, it’s highly likely that you’re a person who is always game for any type of adventure – you just might not be the person leading those adventures most of the time.

5 Chris Griffin

Chris is a character who, quite frankly, has never tried to hide his dopiness, often serving as the butt of many a joke. With that in mind, Chris has still had several episodes where he’s proved his ability to pull through whenever his family needs him the most.

In short, if Chris is the character you enjoy watching the most, perhaps you’re a person who enjoys some good-natured ribbing every now and then (even if it’s about yourself) because you know the people around you appreciate all of the times that you pull more than your own weight.

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4 Meg Griffin

Shut up, Meg. But seriously, Meg is the character (even more so than Chris) who gets harassed the most by her family for seemingly no other reason than she exists inside of a cartoon sitcom. While there are a few episodes where the rest of the family tries their best at treating Meg like a human, their attempts almost always fall short.

If Meg happens to be your favorite character, hopefully, it’s strictly for comedic purposes and that you understand no ordinary family should treat their daughter/sister the way the Griffins treat Meg – or, potentially you’re a person who’s secretly just as strong as Meg and is capable of taking dirt thrown from anybody in your life (but we hope it’s the former and not the latter).

3 Lois Griffin

The animated mother of the Griffin family has always flown under the radar as one of the funnier characters, but Lois is one of the few characters who have so much more to offer than just comedy, often displaying what a prominent and caring mother/wife she is, while also having several episodes that prove she’s capable of overcoming nearly any challenge that Peter gets her into.

So, if Lois is your favorite member of the Griffins, maybe you’re a mother (or mother figure) who happens to be just as prominent at kick-boxing or modeling as you are at changing diapers and cooking dinner for your children. You might also have a partner who does a fantastic job of getting you into stressful, yet hysterical, predicaments.

2 Stewie Griffin

Stewie Griffin – the methodical mastermind who is easily the smartest member of his family at the age of 1 is arguably the most popular character on the show. Constantly getting himself (and Brian) into trouble due to his inventions, Stewie has had several episodes that have threatened to destroy the entire Family Guy universe, while ironically being the character that has held the show together the longest.

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If the genius-baby happens to be your favorite character, then perhaps you’re a person who is slightly too intelligent for their own good, often causing more harm than you resolve and not realizing that you’re the person to blame. That said, the problems you potentially create are always interesting and adventurous in nature, so it often evens out.

1 Peter Griffin

You’d be hard-pressed to find a person living in America who hasn’t at least heard of Peter Griffin, which makes the case that he’s arguably one of the most popular cartoon characters ever (let alone on the show). That said, Peter’s charm is mostly comedic due to the fact that he’s emulated as a lazy, non-involved father who would rather drink beer with his friends than take care of his family.

If Peter is your favorite character, it’s probably not because you’re a sloppy New-England father who has gotten fired from numerous jobs and caused endless amounts of money in property damage over the last two decades – it’s probably just because you enjoy gut-busting humor.

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