Spoilers for Chris Claremont Anniversary Special #1 ahead!

The Invisible Woman, AKA Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four, is quite powerful, but an alternate reality version of her showcases how just how much of a force to be reckoned with she is. This version of the Invisible Woman is not married to Reed Richards—she is married to his adversary Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner. In the Chris Claremont Anniversary Special, readers are treated to this unique version of the Invisible Woman, courtesy of Claremont and a rotating team of artists including Bill Sienkiewicz and Brett Booth. The issue, commemorating Claremont’s 50 years at Marvel, is available now.


As her name implies, the Invisible Woman can turn herself and others invisible, but she is also capable of generating invisible force-fields. These fields can be used for either defensive or offensive purposes. Her force-fields are so strong that very few things, even psychic attacks, can penetrate them and the invisible projectiles she creates can rip a Celestials’ armor apart. Some, including Doctor Doom, have speculated that the Invisible Woman is the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four, and now readers get a glimpse of just how powerful she is.

Hela decides to test Dani Moonstar, a former Valkyrie, and see if she is worthy of the title. Dani travels through a number of battles across different eras searching for the evil Shadow King and in one of them, the Fantastic Four are fighting other versions of themselves from across the multiverse. The Invisible Woman teams up with two of her alternate reality counterparts—one of whom married Namor after Reed Richards’ death, and this version shows the others how it is done. Since she married Namor and moved to Atlantis, she has learned to use her invisible shields under the crushing pressure of the ocean floor. This has allowed her to also strengthen the invisible projectiles she creates, which are now capable of ripping through Doctor Doom’s armor. During the fight, the Invisible Woman’s Namor notes how the others do not fight with the same skill as his wife.

It is worth noting that the Invisible Woman married to Namor was older than her counterparts—even the version from the mainline Marvel Universe. This version was more experienced in the use of her powers. She had also been through hell and back, having lost her husband Reed, and this no doubt had an impact on the fight as well.

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A slight change in a character’s backstory, such as the Invisible Woman marrying Namor, can force fans to see that character in a whole new light; in the Chris Claremont Anniversary Special, fans can witness just how powerful this Fantastic Four member is—capable of showing up her counterparts, even the one from the main Marvel Universe.

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