Marvel’s First Family – The Fantastic Four – have faced multitudes of goofy enemies over the decades, but in the world of Old Man Logan the FF’s silliest enemy the Moloids have evolved into viciously brutal creatures. Starting out as the willing minions of the Fantastic Four’s longest running enemy, the Mole Man, the Moloid creatures of Subterranea have been present in Marvel Comics since 1963. It wasn’t until 2008’s Old Man Logan event however that the world saw how deadly and devastating an attack by the Moloids could truly be.

The Moloids have long been known as one of the Fantastic Four’s goofiest enemies, especially because they are intrinsically connected to Harvey Elder, or the Mole Man, who is without a doubt the FF’s silliest arch nemesis. The Moloids have been around since the time of the Celestials’ creation of the Deviants, and started out as slaves of the Deviants until they were destroyed and the Moloids were “freed.” They lived in Subterranea for centuries, losing their strength and intelligence until Elder discovered them during his adventures to Monster Island. Since then, the Moloids have mainly been viewed as kind of cute, kind of creepy, servants of Mole Man that can be defeated fairy easily. But the Old Man Logan series show what the power of the Moloids could be if they were in the right (or wrong) hands.


Old Man Logan – which first debut in 2008 in Wolverine #66 by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven – shows the future of Earth-807128 after the cataclysmic “Day the Villains Won.” Wolverine stars as a pacifistic, beat-down older version of himself who lives in a reformed United States (now called Amerika) where the Red Skull, Doctor Doom, Magneto, Baron Zemo, and other villains formally organized and killed almost all of the superheroes before dividing the US into segments where they each rule as kings. Old Man Hawkeye convinces Old Man Logan to travel cross country to deliver a secret package, and on their adventures they several times run into the truly brutal Moloids. The Moloids – who are thought of as “World Cleansers” in this universe – were supposedly released onto the planet as a sort of self-defense against human destruction, with the intent that they would “cleanse” the world of humans.

Using their powerful Subterranea abilities the Moloids were able to completely sink San Francisco and River City into the ground, immediately killing almost every single inhabitant of those cities. Reports indicate that the Moloids were also spotted doing this in Europe and Asia. At one point Hawkeye and Logan are being chased by a group of the new Kingpin’s henchmen and they all fall into a cavern created by the Moloids. Logan is recovering and looking around the cavern when he immediately shouts, “Mother of God,” upon seeing a massive group of Moloids devouring the henchmen, using their vicious teeth to rip into the villains flesh. The visual of seeing the normally simple and peaceful Moloids literally eating people alive is certainly… a lot to take in.

To make this horror show even more awful is the fact that it has definitely been shown that Moloids are capable of learning and adapting, since there is actually a whole group of young Moloids who are on the heroic Future Foundation team. While the pint-size Moloids have historically been depicted as a docile and easily-manipulated group of creatures, in the world of Old Man Logan they were not literal man-eaters but they also were the cause of massive, city-leveling destruction. Hopefully the Fantastic Four will never need to face the true brutality of the Moloids like the unlucky Old Man Logan was forced to.

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