The animal companions, or Amigos, in Far Cry 6 are both powerful allies and cute, lovable pets. From companions that have returned from previous games to brand new friends, gamers are excited to get to know all of these Amigos or helpful companions.

Regardless of which of these Amigos are the most useful in battle, all can be sweet and lovable pets. K-9000 and Oluso might be very powerful and frightening creatures, but they are also loyal and adorable. Throughout the campaign, DLC’s, and side quests, any Far Cry 6 player can make an adorable animal friend.

7 Chicharrón, The Cranky Rooster

Chicharrón is certainly a handy animal companion in Far Cry 6, with his “Angry Bird” ability that allows him to attack foes from a distance. But neither his looks nor his personality is especially endearing.

With the addition of Chicharrón’s specialized outfits, though, you can make his appearance a little more charming. The Par-Tay outfit displays the rooster with bright pink feathers and stylish accessories. In the Motherclucker design, Chicharrón has lovely red hearts painted onto his black feathers. The Egg-cited outfit is by far his boldest look, with a myriad of brightly painted feathers and a vibrant purple collar. However, Chicharrón’s personality is still on the sour side, and whenever a player tries to interact with him, he goes for the attack.

6 Guapo, The Fierce Crocodile

It may seem strange that a crocodile is ranked higher than a rooster, but Guapo’s personality is what sets him apart from Chicharrón. Appearance-wise, Guapo is lacking on the cuteness scale.

Guapo wears a variety of shirts and jackets. Carnival is Guapo’s most lively design, with a purple and gold vest with blue and purple paint all over his leathery skin. Outfit specifics aside, a crocodile waddling around in a vest is oddly delightful. Similar to Chicharrón, Guapo reacts to player interaction with a snap of his jaws. However, when the player pets the underside of his chin, they’re blessed with a charming crocodile smile instead.


5 K-9000, The Robo-dog

K-9000 looks like a dog version of the Terminator, a bulky robot dog with glowing red eyes and teeth. Being a dog, K-9000 has some built-in cuteness, but simultaneously being made of iron and wires has its downsides.

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K-9000 doesn’t have any alternative designs or skins, and with a muscular metal body and sharp canine teeth, he doesn’t have a lovable visual working for him. But his “Termination Protocol” ability adds an endearing quality to him. When he takes fatal damage, K-9000 will activate “Termination Protocol” and self-destruct, giving the player an opportunity to escape. During player interactions, he responds to petting with a lovely robot smile and licks. But the glowing red eyes and teeth detract from the sweetness of the interaction.

4 Champagne, The Elegant Panther

For this white panther, the word “extravagant” is a better description than “cute.” Champagne is definitely a stunningly beautiful companion and a blatant statement of wealth. She has a magnificent cream-colored coat and sapphire eyes, and her golden collar accentuates her lavish appearance. She doesn’t have any alternate designs or clothing, but she reacts to player interaction with nuzzles and kitty-licks, which displays her lovable personality.

Most of her abilities relate to wealth and status, but her “Sonic Snarl” ability allows her to knock out enemies and make an escape when she receives damage. This means that Champagne will help the player make money, something that some Far Cry fans may not know they could do, as well as save their life in a dangerous situation.

3 Oluso, The Spotted Panther

Oluso is a magnificent spotted black panther and his imposing and beautiful appearance is only matched by his strength and intimidation on the battlefield. Oluso is one fearsome panther, but also a warm and cuddle-worthy cat.

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Similar to Champagne, Oluso’s appearance can’t really quite be described as “cute.” In his case, the better words would be “dark and mysterious.” Oluso’s sleek spotted black coat in contrast with his bright blue eyes gives him a strikingly beautiful appearance and his abilities in battle take this striking elegance and transform it into terrifying ferocity. Oluso is a powerful ally and an adorable pet. The contrast of his power and his cuddly personality within the player interactions makes him especially endearing.

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2 Boom Boom, The Big Dog

This good boy is just as useful in combat as he is adorable. Boom Boom is a familiar friend from Far Cry 5, a game with many hidden secrets, who’s been lovingly welcomed into the new generation of the franchise.

Boom Boom’s splotchy gray and white fur and leather collar give him a helpless stray dog look. The large grey spot over his eye, the flopped-down ear, the big sparkling brown eyes, and the little tilt of his head make Boom Boom a powerfully winsome dog. In player interactions Boom Boom only gets more adorable. With his lovely puppy dog eyes on full display and a playful lick, Boom Boom is sure to win the heart of any dog lover.

1 Chorizo, The Tiny Dachshund

While there are many similar games to Far Cry 6 that fans might enjoy, none of them have Chorizo. The little dachshund with wheels for hind legs is by far the cutest Amigo in Far Cry 6. And while he may not be as powerful in battle as most of the other Amigos, he makes up for it with the moral-raising power of his adorable face.

Chorizo has silky black and brown fur, and everlasting puppy dog eyes. His stubby little puppy legs and tiny toolbelt make his charm even more potent. With a wide variety of different tool belts to wear, Chorizo can be prepared for any occasion and look lovely while doing it. Even his abilities are based around his endearing qualities, as his “Attention Seeker” ability utilizes his appearance as a distraction for enemies so the player can execute a sneak attack. Chorizo’s “Yes, You Can” ability makes it so that when the player pets him, he regenerates health. These qualities have surely made this little dachshund a fan favorite.

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