The first season of Netflix’s Fate: The Winx Saga ended by introducing the Dragon Flame – an ancient energy source that allows Bloom to awaken long-dormant fairy magic. The Dragon Flame is only briefly mentioned in the season 1 finale, but it’s a key part of the lore and world of the original Winx Club cartoon. While there’s no guarantee the new live-action adaptation will follow the same beats as Winx Club, it seems likely that Fate will take inspiration from the cartoon as the Dragon Flame is expounded in the future.

In just six episodes, The Winx Saga has already distanced itself substantially from the Winx Club cartoon. Many of the core characters are essentially the same, but the fairy world, nature of magic, and overall tone have been altered significantly. Some fans are upset with the changes – especially Fate: The Winx Saga‘s whitewashing of Tecna and Flora from the old show – while others have accepted the new version as a good beginning with room to grow.


Given how much was changed from Winx Club, it might have surprised some fans to learn that the Dragon Flame – the source of Bloom’s powers in the cartoon – was also present in the world of Fate: The Winx Saga. Season 1 ends with Bloom growing her fairy wings, magic thought to have been lost to the world, and unleashing an impressive display of firepower to defeat the Burned Ones attacking Alfea. In a closing monologue from the duplicitous Rosalind, it’s revealed that Bloom’s incredible abilities have the same source as in Winx Club – the ancient Dragon Flame.

The History Of The Dragon Flame

In the world of Fate: The Winx Saga, not much has been revealed about the nature of the Dragon Flame. Rosalind has said that it is very ancient magic and that it played a role in the creation of the Burned Ones a thousand years ago. She also revealed it’s the root of Bloom’s extraordinary powers, though how the protagonist is connected to such strong magic has yet to be revealed.

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The Dragon Flame was a huge part of the original Winx Club, however, and it’s likely Fate’s version will be very similar. In the cartoon, the Dragon Flame is a remnant of the Great Dragon – the ancient deity of the Magic Dimension who breathed all of existence into being. After creating the universe, the Great Dragon made its resting place on the planet Domino and granted a portion of its abilities to the royal family in the form of the Dragon Flame. Lord Darkar, a.k.a. the Shadow Phoenix, an evil foil to the Great Dragon, led attacks on Domino to steal the power of the Dragon Flame, leading to the whole planet being frozen and all its citizens turned to stone.

The Dragon Flame was believed to have been lost after the fall of Domino, but it lived on in Bloom, daughter of the last King and Queen of Domino, who was rescued from her planet’s destruction by her older, sister Daphne. Over the course of Winx Club Bloom learns to channel that power. She is constantly pursued by evil forces hoping to use the Dragon Flame for themselves, and in the end, she is able to defeat Darkar and free Domino from its frozen prison.

How Fate: The Winx Saga Changes The Dragon Flame

So far it’s hard to tell how close Fate: The Winx Saga is sticking to the original version of the Dragon Flame. Bloom has only truly tapped into its power once in her brief showdown with the Burned Ones, and Rosalind has yet to explain details about its origins or its connection to Bloom. In the cartoon, the Dragon Flame grants incredible offensive power similar to what Bloom displays in her climactic battle, but it also gives her powerful healing abilities, extrasensory perception, and situational awareness (not dissimilar from The Winx Saga’s version of Musa), as well as the power to counteract some evil spells. It’s as yet unclear if those abilities will also appear in Fate and if the Dragon Flame’s origin story will be the same as in Winx Club.

How Did Bloom Get The Power Of The Dragon Flame?

In Winx Club, Bloom inherited the power of the Dragon Flame as part of Domino’s royal family. That story could be incorporated into Fate: The Winx Saga as well given that Bloom’s parents have yet to be revealed. Rosalind tells her she was kidnapped by the Blood Witches of Aster Dale, but she doesn’t say from where Bloom was stolen. There’s also the issue that Rosalind’s Blood Witch story has yet to be proven, and anything she says should be regarded as suspect.

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Of course, even if Fate does use the same explanation for Bloom’s connection to the Dragon Flame, it’ll still have to make some changes. The Otherworld of The Winx Saga doesn’t have all the different dimensions and planets of Winx Club, or at least it doesn’t yet. There’s been no mention of Domino, and the Aster Dale story has already pulled a lot from the cartoon’s Domino destruction storyline. However, with only a few of the Otherworld’s realms having been revealed, it would be simple for Fate to make Domino one of the remaining ones and carry the same story from Winx Club.

What The Dragon Flame Means For Bloom’s Future

Put simply, Bloom’s connection to the Dragon Flame makes her one of the most important Fairies in the Otherworld. The Burned Ones attacked Alfea because of her power, and they won’t be the only malevolent force bent on acquiring it. Numerous foes arose in Winx Club to try to steal the Dragon’s Flame from her, and The Winx Saga seems to be setting up a similar level of danger for its protagonist.

The Burned Ones’ connection to the Dragon Flame and their physical resemblance to Winx Club’s Lord Darkar could be foreshadowing a live-action debut for the Shadow Phoenix, which would be a particularly dangerous threat to Bloom and her friends. And if the Domino storyline is brought to the Netflix version, Bloom could be elevated to fairy royalty over the course of the show. A number of those details will depend on how the Dragon Flame is explained in Fate: The Winx Saga season 2, but fans certainly have a lot to speculate on and look forward to in the meantime.

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