The first Final Fantasy 7 Remakewasn’t afraid to shake things up, from introducing new plot elements to changing the fate of certain characters. The game’s mysterious ending has spawned countless fan theories about what direction Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2will go in next. One of the more interesting theories is that a fan-favorite character will be playable in FF7 Remake Part 2, despite only having a minor role in the original game.

With FF7 Remake Part 2, new playable characters are a given. In order for the series to move forward, it will need to introduce new party members. Some of these may be obvious, like Cid Highwind or Cait Sith, since they were party members in the original Final Fantasy 7. However, because of the way FF7 Remake‘s ending altered FF7‘s timeline, the door has been left wide open for new playable characters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2.


Now, fan theories suggest Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 will have a new playable character, and it’s none other than Zack Fair. The character had a minor role in the original game in 1997, but he’s since become a fan-favorite. He’s had appearances in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and was the hero of his own FF7 spin-off video game, Crisis Core. Making a character as beloved as Zack Fair into a playable party member in FF7 Remake Part 2 makes a lot of sense. Here’s why that’s completely possible.

How Zack Fair Could Be Playable In FF7 Remake Part 2

Although Zack was dead by the time of the events in the original game, FF7 Remake‘s ending changed all that. Thanks to a mysterious cutscene and developer confirmation, players know for a fact that Zack is still alive during the events of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Fans have speculated for a while now that Zack would have a more important role in FF7 Remake Part 2, but featuring Zack as a fully-fleshed out party member is a whole new level of importance.

Having Zack as a playable character makes sense for several reasons. The character is a beloved part of FF7 fandom, so a playable role in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 would make a lot of fans happy. Secondly, this would allow Remake Part 2 to explore and possibly even change events from Crisis Core, which would flesh out Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2‘s plot even more. Since the first FF7 Remake already altered events, it’s not unreasonable to think Zack would be playable in FF7 Remake Part 2. Adding a new playable character into the mix would keep FF7 Remake Part 2 feeling fresh and inject it with some originality to set its story even further apart from the original game’s plot.

Until Square Enix gets closer to a release date forFinal Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2, details like playable characters will remain pretty scarce. A surprise new party member like Zack Fair probably would stay a secret until the game released, but it’s a surprise many fans would welcome.

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