There are many characters people will encounter while playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Many are from the original Final Fantasy 7 storyline but have had their backstories and personalities expanded, like Wedge and Jessie. However, there are others who have a large part not just in FF7 Remake, but in previous games as well. Tseng of the Turks is a character that always seems to be in the background as part of the evil at work within the Shinra Electric Company, but his character may be less sinister than expected.

Tseng is the head of the Turks in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, as well as the original story for FF7. The Turks are a special investigation unit within the Shinra Electric Company and often are tasked with doing Shinra’s dirty work, as well as keeping the President of the company safe. While Tseng seems like an aloof and detached leader when he appears in FF7 Remake, and seems unconcerned with the evil the Shinra company is involved with, he is actually emotionally connected to Aerith, Cloud, and Avalanche.


Tseng has known Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 since she was a small girl. He has been tasked with her capture for a great many years and has continually avoided completing it. Despite his dedication to the Turks, and his determination to finish the missions he is assigned, he grows a special attachment to Aerith and doesn’t wish to subject her to the fate awaiting her inside the Shinra building. When he finally captures her in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it is after years of letting her slip away or simply turning a blind eye when he was presented with opportunities to capture her.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Tseng In Crisis Core

Tseng also has a large part in Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. He becomes friends with Zack Fair, the protagonist of the story, and accompanies him on several missions. During the events of Crisis Core, Tseng is seen from the opposite side – not as an enemy, but as a fellow Shinra employee. Tseng is serious and driven and has complete dedication to his team members. He attempts to rescue Zack and Cloud when they go missing, and the failure to do so haunts him for years. While Tseng continues to act on behalf of Shinra, it is easier to appreciate the struggles his life has presented after witnessing his troubles, and the loss he has suffered during the turbulence of the Shinra Company’s collapse.

Tseng’s primary goal is to complete the missions his team has been given. He was taught this dedication by his own mentor Veld during the events of FF7: Before Crisis. His determination in stopping Avalanche is guided by his need to complete his mission, and stay loyal to the team that looks to him for guidance. While he doesn’t always agree with what Shinra is doing, he can’t let his team down, and this can cause him to appear sinister throughout his constant interference in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

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