The most recent trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade featured a flashback sequence, where a woman named Melfi is seemingly killed by a Shinra war machine. This character looks to be tied to the conflict between the Shinra Corporation and Wutai, which is being built up for bigger things in the remake timeline.

In the timeline of FF7, the nation of Wutai was one of the last holdouts against Shinra. This resulted in the Wutai War, which kicked off when Shinra wanted to build a Mako Reactor in the country. The Wutai army fought valiantly, but they couldn’t hope to match the might of SOLDIER, nor Shinra’s regular army and its advanced weaponry. The Shinra army had Sephiroth on its side, which pretty much ensured its victory. The final days of this conflict are seen during the opening missions in Crisis Core, where Zack Fair encounters a young Yuffie.


The Wutai War ends long before the events of FF7 begin, and a visit to the nation shows its people defeated and unwilling to rise up again. The FF7 spinoff Before Crisis painted a different picture, showing that Wutai resisted Shinra for a long time, even aiding the original incarnation of Avalanche from behind the scenes. The new storyline in FF7 Remake is building toward a conflict between Shinra and Wutai, with the former openly blaming the latter for the terrorist actions that occur throughout the game. The new INTERmission DLC chapters for FF7 Remake Intergrade will show a flashback to the Wutai War, which involves the demise of a brand-new character.

The FF7 Remake Intergrade Melfi/Yuffie Connection

The final trailer for FF7 Remake Intergrade (which can be seen on the PlayStation YouTube channel) includes a scene where Yuffie and her companion, Sonon, encounter Scarlet of the Shinra Corporation. Scarlet is the director of Advanced Weaponry at Shinra, and the flashback shows a Shinra war machine killing a girl name Melfi. This is someone close to Sonon, as he’s seen cradling her body in the flashback. He also becomes enraged once he sees Scarlet, as it was one of her machines that killed Melfi.

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The relationship between Melfi and Sonon isn’t explained in the trailer, but it’s likely that she’s his sister. In the first trailer for Intergrade, there is a scene where Sonon and Yuffie are traveling on a train through Midgar. Yuffie tells Sonon that “I’m not your sister,” which initially seemed as it was if her chastising him for treating her like a kid, but could have a different meaning in retrospect. Melfi looks just like Yuffie, which is likely what she was referring to in the trailer.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and FF7R Episode INTERmission will be available for PS5 on June 10, 2021.

Source: PlayStation/YouTube

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