Yuffie finally had her starring role in the INTERmission DLC for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, but one character from her story won’t be appearing in future entries in the series. FF7 Remake is just one part of a longer plot, as it expanded the Midgar section of FF7 into a full game.

[Warning: Spoilers for FF7 Remake Intergrade and Episode INTERmission are below.]

The Yuffie chapters of FF7 Remake involve her taking part in a secret mission on behalf of the Wutai government. She is tasked with sneaking into Shinra Headquarters and stealing an all-powerful Materia. In order to complete this mission, she must team up with the main branch of Avalanche, as they have the means to get past Shinra’s security. She is joined on her mission by Sonon, who is a fellow ninja from Wutai. The player cannot directly control Sonon in battle, but they can issue him commands and use his Limit Breaks when prompted.


FF7 Remake Intergrade and the INTERmission DLC are available in some regions. The story of the DLC is out in the wild and it has been revealed that one of the new characters introduced in INTERmission won’t be appearing in future entries in the series.

FF7 Remake: The Short-Lived Party Member

The first playable character fatality has happened in FF7 Remake Intergrade: INTERmission. Fans suspected that Sonon wouldn’t survive the mission in Midgar, as he’s not part of the original story of FF7. The fact that FF7 Remake Intergrade added blood to the game’s rating led fans to believe that Sonon’s blood would be shed, especially as there is a scene in the final trailer where Yuffie has a streak of red on her cheek.

It turns out that the speculation was correct. Sonon dies protecting Yuffie from Nero the Sable, prompting her to run away. Nero then absorbs Sonon’s body into his darkness. The fact that a character has now died to save Yuffie’s life will likely affect her personality going forward. In FF7, the conflict between the Shinra Corporation and the nation of Wutai was something that had ended years earlier. In FF7 Remake, it seems that Shinra is trying to start another war. Yuffie stole Materia in FF7 in order to help her homeland, but she might become even more desperate in the FF7 Remake sequel, especially if that homeland is threatened. Luckily for her, a group has just left the city of Midgar and they happen to be loaded down with powerful Materia.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and the INTERmission DLC are available now.

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