Final Fantasy XIV players have many ways to communicate with each other in-game and one such way is through the Shout command in the chatbox. This function allows fans to send messages that will be seen by all adventurers in the same area. Individuals can disable Shout messages from their own chat window to stop them from appearing if they wish. By typing the command /shout or /sh and their message, players can quickly ask for help with an activity or simply carry on a friendly conversation. Recently, a few adventurers have been abusing this chat function, by starting political arguments for all to hear and broadcasting FFXIV: Endwalker spoilers (among other things), which some fans go through great lengths to avoid. Shout messages should be used only to talk about the game and never contain information that would ruin another adventurer’s experience throughout the story.


Shouts in FFXIV can be seen by anyone on the same map, as long as they have the function enabled. There are plenty of other avenues to privately talk to fellow adventurers about details in the story. The best way to speak to an individual is, of course, by sending a message directly to them. This can simply be done with the command /tell or /t [PC name]@[World name], followed by the contents. The bonus of direct messages is they can be done even if adventurers are not on the same map. Players have the option of joining a Free Company or forming a party in FFXIV, both of which have chats only members can view. Linkshells are another option to chat in a group with people outside of an FC. They can discuss matters in private without bothering others. Unfortunately, not everyone is as respectful of their fellow adventurers.

MMORPG games are generally played to relax and escape the issues of the real world, such as politics. Adventurers should not be using the command /shout to discuss controversial topics and going so far as to start arguments. Players hear enough politics when not playing FFXIV and do not need to be engaging in heated debates. Fans have been waiting to see how the almost decade-long story arc concludes. Spoiling the narrative, by giving details about main events, such as FFXIV Endwalker‘s Zodiark Trial, is just discourteous to those that have yet to reach those points in the Main Scenario Quests. These are just two examples of players abusing the shout command in the game, but there is an abundance of ways the function is beneficial to the community if used properly.

Shouting In FFXIV Is A Great Way For Adventurers To Receive Help

A major use of shouting in FFXIV can be found when entering each of the three beginning city-states, these being Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul’dah. Free Companies put out messages to recruit potential applicants, often advertising what their group has to offer adventurers. This is a great use of the shout function (within reason) to get a message out there and help new players enjoy their experience in Eorzea. The command can also be helpful when in a combat zone and an adventurer needs help with a FATE, especially with tough bosses like Daivadipa in FFXIV: Endwalker. Additionally, if a player dies in a zone, it can be more beneficial to shout for a rez instead of going back to their home point and essentially restarting. Shouting lets players across the area work together to complete activities.

A few rude individuals do not represent the wonderful community that FFXIV has built over the years. The majority of adventurers will go out of their way to help their fellow Warriors of Light. If players ever encounter these disrespectful messages, they can always block and report the offenders, or even disable Shout for a while. By removing the toxicity, the community can help make Final Fantasy XIV even better.

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