Before Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker was even released, it was teased as the conclusion to the long-running Zodiark storyline. After a decade, players would come face-to-face with Zodiark and attempt to stop the End of Days. It was a major set-up and one that FFXIV finishes surprisingly early in Endwalker. In one of the game’s many shocking moments, Zodiark is actually the first FFXIV: Endwalker trial.

[Warning: Spoilers for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker are below.]

By now, many players have already reached the first trial in Endwalker, and they were perhaps surprised to see that Zodiark was the first major fight in the new FFXIV expansion. In one of the earliest examples of what makes FFXIV: Endwalker‘s MSQ so surprising, players are transported to the moon where Fandaniel sacrifices himself to break out the sealed Zodiark. The Warrior of Light must then team up with other players to take down the god in Endwalker‘s first trial.


What really makes this moment so shocking is that promotional materials for FFXIV: Endwalker teased the end of the Zodiark saga, meaning many fans believed the Zodiark trial in FFXIV wouldn’t happen until late in the game – perhaps even as the expansion’s final boss. Instead, “The Dark Inside” is a level 84 trial that pits players against Zodiark extremely early in the MSQ. Even more surprising is that Zodiark is then defeated, leaving well over half of Endwalker‘s story remaining.

FFXIV: Endwalker’s Zodiark Fight Is One Of The Expansions Many Surprises

This is really the crux of what makes FFXIV: Endwalker‘s story so good. Promotional materials could’ve easily spoiled later portions of the game or teased character comebacks. Instead, Square Enix hid most of this information, allowing the Zodiark trial in FFXIV to be an early twist in the game’s narrative. What was expected to be the final boss of the game is now but the first trial – with a lot of content left to get through.

In hindsight, after completing Endwalker‘s MSQ, it’s difficult to imagine the Zodiark fight happening any later. After all, once the trial is over, the real story begins. It’s a smart move from the FFXIV team because it essentially means most of the game’s story is a surprise, allowing players to revel in the many twists and turns that come along the way. With Zodiark out of the way, the narrative is allowed to go to new and interesting places. It’s just one of the many ways in which Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker keeps players on their toes.

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