EA’s classic Soccer video game series has its latest iteration arriving at fan’s console of choice in FIFA 21. The legacy sports series has seen numerous incarnations, with World Cup Spin-off games, its annual releases, and a number of games that many franchises can only aspire to achieve. Every version of the game comes with a varying degree of changes to the gameplay formula.

This newest title introduces a variety of new Chemistry Styles, that impact a player’s Ultimate Team. For those new to the concept of Ultimate Team, imagine Fantasy Soccer but you are able to buy and sell players on the market and play with your respective team. Here are all the Chemistry Styles of FIFA 21 and how they impact your Ultimate Team experience.


Every Chemistry Style in FIFA 21 and What they do.

To explain it simply, Chemistry Styles are a consumable that can be purchased to increase a player’s stats. Each of these items will increase a particular stat on one of your Ultimate team players. These are a powerful, and often overlooked aspect of the Ultimate Team process and one that should be added to any player’s aspiring team.

Here are all 22 Chemistry Styles in FIFA 21 and how they impact a Player’s stats, depending on their position.

Goal Keeper: 

  • Wall- Diving 2, Handling 2, Kicking 2 (DIV: 2, KIC: 2, HAN: 2)
  • Shield– Kicking 2, Reflexes 2, Speed 2 (KIC: 2, REF: 2, SPD: 2)
  • Cat- Reflexes 2, Speed 2, Positioning 2 ( REF: 2, SPD: 2, POS: 2)
  • Glove- Diving 2, Handling 2, Positioning 2 (DIV: 2, HAN: 2, POS: 2)


  • Sentinel-Defending 3, Physical 3 (DEF: 3, PHY: 3)
  • Guardian- Dribbling 3, Defending 3 (DRI: 3, DEF: 3)
  • Gladiator- Shooting 3, Defending 3 (SHO: 3, DEF: 3)
  • Backbone- Passing 2, Defending 2, Physical 2 (PAS: 2, DEF: 2, PHY: 2)
  • Anchor- Pace 2, Defending 2, Physical 2 (PAC: 2, DEF: 2, PHY: 2)
  • Shadow- Pace 3, Defending 3 (PAC: 3, DEF: 3)
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  • Artist- Passing 3, Dribbling 3 (PAS: 3, DRI: 3)
  • Architect- Passing 3, Physical 3 (PAS: 3, PHY: 3)
  • Powerhouse- Passing 3, Defending 3 (PAS: 3, DEF: 3)
  • Maestro- Shooting 2, Passing 2, Dribbling 2 (SHO: 2, PAS: 2, DRI: 2)
  • Engine- Pace 2, Passing 2, Dribbling 2 (PAC: 2, PAS: 2, DRI: 2)
  • Catalyst- Pace 3, Passing 3 (PAC: 3, PAS: 3)


  • Sniper– Shooting 3, Dribbling 3 (SHO: 3, DRI: 3)
  • Deadeye– Shooting 3, Passing 3 (SHO: 3, PAS: 3)
  • Hawk–  Pace 2, Shooting 2, Physical 2 (PAC: 2, SHO: 2, PHY: 2)
  • Marksman– Shooting 2, Dribbling 2, Physical 2 (SHO: 2, DRI: 2, PHY: 2)
  • Finisher–  Shooting 3, Physical 3 (SHO: 3, PHY: 3)
  • Hunter– Pace 3, Shooting 3 (PAC: 3, SHO: 3)

Each of these Chemistry Styles is an opportunity for a player to increase their player’s potential. It also allows the user to enhance a particular character to fit a particular role they wish for them to play. Making the skills needed that much better. They are powerful tools, and in the right hands, can create a top-class Ultimate Team for any player.

FIFA 21 is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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