Arguably the funniest moment in Final Fantasy 7 Remake involves protagonist Cloud Strife’s crossdressing and dance scene, and some talented fans are recreating this riotous moment in their own styles. There are so many great pieces of fan art paying tribute to Cloud in a dress, and a handful have been collected here.

Journeying through Wall Market has its share of comical scenarios and quests the player must complete to accomplish Chapter Nine’s main goal in FF7 Remake: rescuing Tifa from Don Corneo. As the Don only allows women into his mansion, Cloud ends up donning one of three different dresses in order to gain access. Seeing the stoic and brooding ex-SOILDER dressed in more feminine garb is a sight fans aren’t likely to forget anytime soon, and this group of fan art reinforces that notion.


Many were originally worried how this scene would turn out, but were pleasantly surprised to see it was executed in a tasteful manner. As the Honeybee Inn owner and makeover artist extraordinaire Andrea Rhodea tells Cloud, “True beauty is an expression of the heart, a thing without shame to which notions of gender don’t apply. Don’t ever be afraid…” These artists certainly weren’t afraid of highlighting one of Cloud’s most awkward moments in FF7 Remake, and the following colorful collection contains artist links so admirers can view more of their content. Many have additional FF7 Remake artwork on their sites that’s worth checking out.

FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Complementing Buster Sword

Deviant Art’s Jiuge may have given everyone’s favorite somber swordsman a bit more curvature and confidence than he actually had while wearing a dress, but this sultry ex-SOILDER can still rock a Buster Sword. What if this was his victory pose after winning Wall Market’s Underground Colosseum quest?

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FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Lunch With Friends?

Japanese Artist @Shillo has a lot of great FF7 Remake fan art, although the site may need an English translation. This illustration has FF7 Remake’s Tifa and Aerith also dressed up in their Don Corneo dresses and surprisingly, Reno of the Turks is there too beneath some cherry blossom foliage. He seems to be giving a bit of a judgmental look towards Cloud, who looks classically uncomfortable as ever.

FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Honey Bee Inn Super Star

This piece by Siren Lin on ArtStation portrays Cloud as if he just aced Andrea Rhodea’s dance performance. It looks like he took Andrea’s advice of not being afraid as this confident façade demonstrates just how well Cloud is owning his new look.

FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Girls’ Night Out

Aerith’s excited reaction to Cloud’s dance performance and transformation makes the Honey Bee Inn moment so much more comical. If Tifa were in this FF7 Remake scene, she would likely have a similar response. Here the artist reimagines both ladies giving Cloud his finishing touches while the patient hero suffers in silence. It’s nice that this illustration – and the game for that matter – depicts Tifa and Aerith working together as a team, rather than constantly fighting over Cloud’s favor.

FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Them Legs!

It may be difficult to view this drawing without a chuckle or snort escaping one’s face. Cloud’s saucy expression, revealing pose, and thigh-high stockings make for a pretty hilarious composition. His little bow-tied pigtails wisping in the wind is a nice touch too.

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FF7 Remake’s Crossdressing Cloud Art: Cover Girl

Wrapping up this splendid assortment of soft and shimmering Cloud dresses from FF7 Remake is this magazine cover by Raypier P on ArtStation. While this stunning interpretation of Cloud looking like a delicate flower is already pretty priceless, the cover lines only enhance the comedic appeal. Cloud’s makeup, attire, and pouty lips elicit Andrea’s appropriate response of, “Perfection!” Thanks to a variety of skilled artists, there is plenty of Cloud-in-drag content to explore outside of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

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