In Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Skill and Ability points are gotten in every fight but to truly have an advantage at the endgame content it’s important to have the entire team as high level as possible. This is especially true when fighting enemies such as the Bahamut and Pride and Joy. It’s important to take advantage of as many upgrades as possible for those fights and key in on specific upgrades as well.

Farming is one thing, but when it comes to Skill and Ability points, but the important thing to remember is that efficiency is everything. It’s nice to farm and spend time on simply leveling up but when leveling up both, time is of the essence and there are a few spots to get both leveled up quickly. Skill and Ability points work for weapons and for Materia respectively so both can be upgraded together which saves a massive amount of time. Some places can be more fun and we’ll look into those as well so that it can be both enjoyable and quick to level both up.


Best Places to Farm Skill Points in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Before we bang off some great locations to farm, it’s important to note that Skill Points are all about leveling up and EXP. Every level up gains 5 Skill Points and a nice instant booster is the EXP Up Materia. To get it, head to the Shinra combat simulator and select the fight against Team Ragbag. Upon completion, the reward is the EXP Up Materia. Equip it and every fight will give 100% more experience. A good place to take this new Materia to is at Corneo’s Colosseum. The fights are fairly quick and no matter which difficulty mode selected, the party will gain the same amount of experience. Another great place for some leveling up is at the start of Chapter 16, the garage area has a ton of enemies that can net a solid amount of experience.  There’s a final area and we’ll get to that with the Ability Points as it can be done at the same time.

Best Places to Farm Ability Points in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

In getting high levels of Skill Points, it’s best to do the Ability Points at the same time and a good place is in Hojo’s area. There’s a VR location there as well but the Unkown Entities are what matter. Right outside the room from Chadley, take out the four Unknown entities with Triple Slash and watch the experience and AP climb like a rocket. Take the Pedometer Materia and walk the 5000 steps to get it into the AP Up Materia and equip it to get a two for one with the EXP Up Materia. Another solid place to farm AP, if running these areas gets a little tedious, is doing the VR battles, it might not be as quick but it can break up the monotony a little bit other than doing Corneo’s Colosseum. A reminder that completing the game and restarting on new game plus will give double experience and triple the Ability Points so finishing the game first before doing the grind is preferred.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available for PlayStation 4.

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