Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of Square Enix’s biggest and most ambitious projects to date, and with much of the game’s story left to tell, it may well take a whole console generation for it to conclude. Fortunately, fans will likely not be left wanting, as Square Enix themselves clearly want to capitalize on Final Fantasy VII‘s popularity by offering more content in the form of side stories and DLC that work as a bridge between the core games or further expand FF7’s universe.

The announcement of Final Fantasy VII: Intergrade, Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, and Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis strongly implies that Square Enix has big plans for Final Fantasy 7 outside of just the remake project, and that the release of such side content may be a regular occurrence going forward.


This is not the first time Final Fantasy 7 has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. The sequel movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, released back in 2005, reintroduced fans to Cloud Strife and the gang, and detailed events that occurred after the original game’s story. The movie was followed shortly by the animated film Final Fantasy VII: Last Order, which delved deeper into Zack Fair’s role during the Nibleheim incident, as well as showing how Cloud got his trusty Buster Sword. Square Enix later followed up with the arguably-divisive PS2 game, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, in 2006, which had players take the role of the mysterious Vincent as he comes to terms with his past and attempts to prevent another calamity. Square Enix then went on to release the critically acclaimed PSP title Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core in 2007, which put fans in control of fan-favorite Zack Fair, and detailed the events that led up to the original 1997 classic.

With the successful release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Square Enix appears once again to be gearing up production of Final Fantasy  7-related content, meaning that players will likely see even more DLC for future Final Fantasy 7 Remake parts similar to Intergrade, which bridges the core games, as well as side stories that expand the FF7 universe, like Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier and Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis. Having a steady stream of FF7-related content releasing between core titles would allow Square Enix to take their time developing the remaining core games while ensuring that the Final Fantasy 7 IP remains a popular name in mainstream media.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Can Explore Key Events in More Detail

More games in the Final Fantasy 7 universe would allow for characters that didn’t get much development before to have their background and personalities fleshed-out, or to retell a particular story in the series that may not have hit right the first time around. How and where Jenova was originally found has not yet been explored in detail, nor has how Shinra discovered they could use the lifeblood of the planet as a means of powering Midgar. FF7 is full of characters and lore that are ripe for further exploration, and with the series enjoying yet another surge in popularity, now may be the best time to explore it.

While the prospect of even more Final Fantasy 7-related content is exciting, Square Enix still has the not-so-trifling task of developing the remaining parts of the remake. Assuming Final Fantasy 7 Remake continues following the same plot as the original 1997 PlayStation classic and doesn’t drastically diverge, the next parts should feature a vast and explorable open world with numerous towns, cities, and dungeon-like areas. Square Enix indeed has experience developing open-world games, such as Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XV, but nothing on the scale they’re attempting with Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The company also has a long history of games being delayed due to development issues, and while the hope is that Final Fantasy 7 Remake receives a steady and uninterrupted release, the ambitious nature of the project may result in some minor to significant delays.

With so much of Final Fantasy 7‘s story left to tell, it is hard to know how many parts the remake will be broken down into. Final Fantasy 7 Remake did cover all of the original’s Midgar chapter and then some, but this is just the opening act in what will become an epic adventure spanning multiple continents. Either way, Square Enix’s ambitious Final Fantasy 7 Remake project is unlikely to conclude any time soon. The story has only just begun and with the company also looking to develop side-stories and spin-off games, fans will likely see a steady stream of Final Fantasy VII0related content releasing for years to come.

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