The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is actually just the first part of the remake project, as Square Enix is drastically increasing the scope of the original game. However, it’s still going to be a full-fledge title on par with the size of other Final Fantasy games.

The first part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake takes place exclusively in Midgar, the giant mega-city at the heart of the world of Gaia. The city has more detail than ever before and will let players explore even more than the ten or so hours in the original game.

Of course, there’s bound to be plenty of new players jumping into the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, who will need some background information on Midgar. Here’s everything about Midgar explained in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.


Midgar Before the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Midgar is well established before the beginning of Final Fantasy 7, but much of the city is still under construction. The city is established by the Shinra Electric Power Company, who discovered a way to use Mako Energy as fuel. This has led to a massive technological revolution, and the massive Shinra building established as the heart of Midgar. As Shinra gained more and more power they became a massive military and political force, with control over most of the world.

The city of Midgar built up around the Shinra building, but the act of harvesting Mako saps the lifeforce from the planet itself. This leads to the land around Midgar becoming a desolate, uninhabitable wasteland. Hence why the mega-city continues to grow and expand. Construction of Midgar started in the year 1976 in the timeline of Final Fantasy 7. It wouldn’t be until 30 years later, in 0007 when Avalanche attacks the reactor and Final Fantasy 7 starts. By this time the city houses millions of people, but the separation between rich and poor has gotten worse than ever.

Midgar’s Plate and Different Sectors

Midgar is separated into nine different sectors and each sector as a Mako Reactor that helps power the city. By the start of Final Fantasy 7 giant walls have been built up around the city, helping protect it from monsters and other threats. Sector 1 is the first visited in the game, as it’s where the opening bombing mission takes place. A massive highway runs between the different sectors to make travel easier. On top of the different sectors, Midgar is essentially divided into two halves.

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A massive plate was built around the Shinra building to help support the city and its weight. However, underneath the plate civilization also started settling. The rich and powerful can live on top of the plate, with money buying better living conditions. Meanwhile the poor are forced to live in squalor in the slums underneath the plate. The slums are also home to criminal overlords and plenty of shady characters. The Sector 7 slums are the location of Tifa’s Seventh Heaven Bar, and Avalanche’s secret base. Meanwhile, the church that Aerith spends much of her time at is in the Sector 5 Slums. Not every Sector was visited in the original game, but the Final Fantasy 7 Remake will likely give players a deeper look at the city and more of the sectors.

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