Villains have always been one of the best parts of Final Fantasy 7, from the terrifying power of Sephiroth to the insidious world-domination of the Shinra company. The Turks were a vital part of the original FF7‘s roster of villains, and they’ve also featured in pretty much every Final Fantasy 7 spinoff since, even getting their own game with Before Crisis.

As expected, the Turks make a return in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, with an even bigger role than they played in the Midgar section of the original FF7. With Final Fantasy 7 Remake splitting off from the original story it looks like the Turks, and Rufus Shinra, may be even more important to the series’ plot moving forward.


What would really make the Turks more interesting, however, is having them playable in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2whether that’s as temporary party members, or completely separate from the main party altogether.

The Turks Could (& Should) Have a Larger Role in FF7 Remake

Near the end of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it’s heavily hinted that Rufus Shinra can see the ghost-like Whispers, but Tseng and the other members of the Turks can’t. This has massive implications for the future of the FF7 Remake series, suggesting that Rufus is about to make decisions which may drastically alter his fate from what it is in the original timeline.

After the events in Midgar in the original FF7, Rufus assigns the Turks the high-priority mission of hunting down Sephiroth. Because of this, their paths cross with Cloud and the party multiple times, like at the Mythril Mine. A particularly interesting point in the original game is when the Turks and the party work together to rescue Elena from Don Corneo. Any of these points could see the Turks become temporary party members, and Wutai would make the most sense. Even though Wutai is an optional location in the original game, Final Fantasy 7 Remake has shown growing tensions between Shinra and Wutai, and Yuffie’s introduction in FF7 Remake: Intergrade could change Final Fantasy 7’s story even more.

Apart from running into the party, it’d be far more interesting to have the Turks function as a sort of side story that runs parallel to Cloud and the rest of FF7 Remake’s cast. If Rufus finds out the truth of Sephiroth trying to change the timeline, he’d likely try to join the fight in stopping him – or at least try and exploit it. Their story could be greatly expanded through playable sections that flesh out the actions of Shinra and the Turks.

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This would also be a good way to bring back Zack Fair, who may still be alive in the main Final Fantasy 7 timeline. During his days in SOLDIER, Zack had a close relationship with two Turks, Tseng and Cissnei, with the former now leading the group. If Final Fantasy 7 Remake really is reintroducing Zack, putting him in the center of a second party with Turk party members would be a great way to do it. No matter what, it’ll be interesting to see what role the Turks continue to play in the redefined FF7 Remake timeline. Reno and Rude have long been fan-favorite characters, and it’s pretty much guaranteed they’ll keep popping up.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Intergrade launches on June 10 for PS5.

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