The Final Fantasy 7 Remake reimagines the RPG classic, and it doubles-down on fleshing out the city of Midgar. The Midgar section was roughly ten hours in the original, but the entire first game in the Remake project will take place within the city.

The Shinra Electric Power Company will factor heavily into the first part of the remake, especially with the revamped focus. Some of the fan-favorite characters in the original were members of the Turks, a special organization within Shinra.

Trailers for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake have already shown that the Turks are going to just as important as ever, if not more important. Here’s everything about the Turk’s origins and role explained.


Shinra’s Spec-Ops Division – The Turks

The Turks is a nickname for the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department. To the people of Midgar, the Turks is a name uttered in hushed tones. Essentially, the Turks are the black-ops section of Shinra’s military, sent out to do the dirty work. They aren’t afraid to use violence, intimidation, and blackmail to get what they want. While the Turks work behind the scenes, most people know their names due to their bad reputation and the people they’ve intimidated. Members can be easily recognized by the iconic navy blue suits they wear.

Before the events of Final Fantasy 7, the Turks were a big organization with quite a few different members. The mobile game, Before Crisis, introduced fans to members not present in the original game and detailed their earlier operations. The leader of the Turks, Veld, was constantly at odds with President Shinra, and even had to blackmail the president at one point to get his job back.

Eventually, the Turks learn that the leader of the Avalanche resistance group is Veld’s own daughter, who’s been experimented on by a mad scientist named Fuhito. In order to save Veld’s daughter, he and many members of the Turks defect from Shinra only a few members remaining. The new leader of the Turks, Tseng, covers their escape by telling President Shinra the old members have been assassinated. Another former member of the Turks is Vincent Valentine, one of the party members of Final Fantasy 7, who was experimented on by Professor Hojo. Hojo was also responsible for creating Sephiroth through the Jenova Project. The disbanded Turks lead to the start of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

The Turks’ Role in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

By the start of Final Fantasy 7, the Turks are down to four main members; Tseng, Reno, Rude, and a new member named Elena. The group has been assigned the task of monitoring Aerith Gainsborough, the last remaining member of the Ancients, and a vital part of Shinra’s plan to discover the Promised Land. This puts them in direct opposition to Cloud and the party when they meet Aerith. In the original game, the Turks served as the major villains of the first part of the game, as Sephiroth wasn’t properly introduced until nearly a third of the way through.

Their roles will likely remain the same in the remake, as they relentlessly pursue the party. The latest behind-the-scenes video on the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Producer Yoshinori Kitase talked about how they’re expanding the city of Midgar. Kitase says “We have put great effort into going even deeper into Midgar in the new game, adding in new elements and extra layers of detail.”

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The Turks were a fan-favorite part of the original game and the Advent Children film, so they’ll likely get even more development in the remake. The TGS 2019 trailer already showed a unique boss battle with Rude, something not present in the original. While they’re importance wanes later on, the Turks will be a huge piece of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s first part.

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