One talented Final Fantasy IX fan has built a stunning real-life replica of Zidane’s Mage Masher swords. While Final Fantasy IX might not be as popular or as well-remembered as Final Fantasy VII before it or Final Fantasy X after, the 2000 installment of Square Enix’s iconic JRPG franchise still has a small yet devoted fan following. Not only that, but certain gameplay elements have even gone on to influence more recent titles, like last year’s Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Players usually trade in main protagonist and aspiring thief Zidane Tribal’s twin Mage Mashers for stronger blades fairly early on in Final Fantasy IX, but the pair of connecting swords remain his most recognizable weapons. Indeed, he’s often shown wielding them during his guest appearances in the Dissidia Final Fantasy series and other Final Fantasy spin-offs, just as Cloud Strife is rarely seen without his iconic Buster Sword. It’s easy to see why, too, as the Mage Mashers have a simple yet elegant design that matches Zidane’s dashing personality and agility-focused fighting style, and their ability to combine into a single double-bladed sword is a cool touch.


A few days ago, Reddit user and talented cosplay maker KUMOtenka posted a video of his real-life Mage Masher replicas to the r/FinalFantasyIX subreddit. He made these swords as a commissioned project for a friend, and while he doesn’t get into too fine detail over how he put them together, he does mention in the comments section that they are primarily made of foam. These Mage Masher swords can even combine at the hilt just like the ones in Final Fantasy IX (possibly thanks to magnets), which can be seen in the Reddit post below:

It may be one of the lesser-known Final Fantasy entries, but there have been talks of a possible Final Fantasy IX sequel thanks to the success of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the growing nostalgia surrounding the early-2000s era that the original game was first released in. Not only that, but an animated Final Fantasy IX series is said to be in the works by Square Enix and French animation house Cyber Group Studios, though an actual air date is yet to be determined.

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Meanwhile, KUMOtenka’s custom-made Final Fantasy IX dual swords are a spot-on recreation of Zidane’s trusty Mash Mashers, truly capturing their elegant design and lightweight feel in striking detail. It’s especially impressive that KUMOtenka was able to maintain the swords’ ability to combine into a singular weapon, which is part of the reason Zidane’s twin blades left such an impression on fans of the often-underappreciated Final Fantasy IX when it first launched on the original PlayStation two decades ago.

Source: KUMOtenka/Reddit

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