Final Fantasy VII Remake allows players to change what Materia they equip for each character in the party. This guide will help players select the best Materia for Tifa while avoiding the worst. The Final Fantasy VII Remake was one of the biggest games to release in 2020. Remaking one of gaming’s most iconic stories is not an easy task for any company, but Square Enix came forward and did the title justice by faithfully recreating it from the bottom-up. The original Final Fantasy VII rests as many players’ favorite video game to ever exist, with good reason. The original defined what it meant to tell interesting and engaging stories in video games and introduced cutscenes to a scale never seen before up to that point. Now, cutscenes and high-quality cinematics are pretty customary with video games, but they all have Final Fantasy VII to thank for showing the ropes. The remake retells the story of Avalanche, a group of eco-tourist with the goal of saving the world from the Shinra Electric Company. The story is faithfully recreated, for the most part, and contains new story elements never seen from the original. One of the bigger changes is the change in combat. This guide will help players decide the best Materia for Tifa in the Final Fantasy VII Remake.


Each member of the team has their own strengths and weaknesses. The remake has been broken down into multiple parts when compared to the original. For scale, the entirety of the 30-hour adventure in the remake is about the first 5-10 hours of the original game. Square Enix cites doing this due to wanting to give more detail about Midgar and its character and fully flesh out the world. Because of this, only 4 of the original party members are in this part of the remake, while the later 5 will most likely appear in the next game. Players team now only consists of Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, and Barret. Although, each character is properly defined and plays their role in the story and the combat as they should. Cloud and Tifa are great for taking down enemies quickly in a short-range while Barret and Aerith are excellent in taking down flying enemies and enemies that are far away. Materia helps refine these characteristics and this guide will help players decide the best Materia for Tifa.

Best (& Worst Materia) For Tifa in Final Fantasy VII Remake

Tifa focuses on being in the enemy’s face the entire time. Her quick attacks deliver sharp and powerful blows that will destroy most of her enemies in a cinch. Here is the best Materia to equip for Tifa.

  • Slot 1 and 2: Ice and Elemental: A majority of the biological creatures in the game are weak to Ice. Linking the Ice Materia with Elemental allows Tifa’s attacks to be infused with Ice, providing resistance to the element and her physical attacks will now do Ice damage. Players can alternate Ice with Fire or Lightning depending on how the rest of the team is looking for certain boss fights. Elemental should always be equipped as the supportability.
  • Slot 3: Revival: If not given to Aerith, it should be given to Tifa. It is very possible to lose track of how many Phoenix Downs the player has in their inventory and Revival is basically an unlimited Phoenix Down. This Materia brings team members back from the dead. It’s always helpful to have this ability on every party member.
  • Slot 4: Healing: Healing is another ability that should be on every party member on the team. This allows characters to gain some of their HP back without the need for Potions in the player’s inventory. Aerith does take the cake as the team’s designated healer, but it doesn’t hurt for the support character to have support of their own.
  • Slot 5: Time: Time has a few different functions depending on how the player wants to go about using it. Haste increases the rate the ATB Gauge refills. Slow can decrease the rate the ATB Gauge refills. Stop will completely stop all enemies in their tracks. Using Stop is effective in taking down a group of enemies without having to worry about being counterattacked.
  • Slot 6: Steadfast Block: This allows the ATB Gauge to refill faster when Tifa is blocking. Considering Tifa will be on the front lines often, it is important to properly time those blocks and get the most out of the Materia.
  • Summon Materia: Doesn’t really matter, but Fat Chocobo is a great choice in general. To unlock Fat Chocobo, the player will need to complete Battle Intel Report 10 from Chadley. Although, if someone already has Fat Chocobo as the summon, players can use Shiva or Leviathan as a replacement.

Here is some Materia to avoid when using Tifa. Not because they are necessarily bad, but are likely better fits for other characters.

  • Barrier: It’s great for building up defenses, but are better suited for support characters like Aerith and Barret.
  • Magic Up: Since Tifa is mainly a physical attacker, most magic buffs are better suited for any other member of the team.
  • MP Up: Similar situation with Magic Up, Tifa is a physical attacker and functions better focusing on building her strength than her magic.
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The Final Fantasy VII Remake is created as a love letter to long time fans of the franchise. Big locations like Wall Market and Sector 7 have been faithfully recreated in this gorgeous engine. The original game’s polygons were so sharp, they could poke someone’s eye out. Character models are the best they have ever been for the series and is one of the best looking games to ever release. Not only that, but the game is ridiculously fun to play and warrants multiple playthroughs. After completing the game, the player will unlock hard mode, a more challenging version with extra bosses not found in lower difficulties. It’s an excellent place to test the player’s skills and another reason to return back to Midgar. Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the best games of 2020.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is available now on PS4.

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