Almost everything said in Final Space is hilarious. But it’s time to narrow down the best of the best and find those jokes that left everyone cry-laughing. Final Space is all about making its audience laugh through stupidity, adorableness, or just so many rejections. As fans go on a journey through space they are met with a ragtag crew of extreme personalities that are hard to hate, no matter how evil they are. This is all done through hilarious comedy that keeps everyone on their toes and makes this show one of the best on TBS and Netflix right now.

What makes it so wonderful is that every line is thought through to make it both meaningful yet hilarious, meaning that finding the 10 funniest quotes is no easy task. Whilst up for debate, here are 10 quotes that left fans in fits of laughter.

10 “It’s An Alien On My Face! It’s An Alien On My…It’s A Space Alien!”

The first time the audience meets the adorable and often pretty funny, Mooncake. This whole scene was hilarious and being in the first episode, it sets a precedence for how funny the show is.

Obviously the protagonist, Gary goes on to reference Face Huggers from Alien which only makes this whole scene funnier. However, what makes this quote one of the funniest is how panicked he is whilst still not trying to get it off his face, then rather than panicking more, he simply takes it home with him.

9 “Get. Your. Finger. Out. Of. My. TUMMY!”

This one was so unseen and so hilarious that it’s impossible to forget, even after watching the rest of the show. It remains one of the most quotable lines as well as one of the funniest in the show, with fans remembering it and laughing about it for years.

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The way Gary Goodspeed is depicted is consistently hilarious, he tries to be cool, calm, and casual yet comes out with lines like this that can’t help but make viewers smile. It is both memorable and hilarious to watch. Especially since it is such an understated line.


8 “Chookity”

Whilst, not every “chookity” is funny, it’s a classic line that forces anyone who has seen Final Space to think fondly of Mooncake, the adorable little alien that is perhaps the most famous and recognizable character in the show.

There are multiple occasions in which Mooncake is hilarious but this is really the only thing that comes out of its mouth. This is more of a homage to one of the most loved characters, who is undeniably hilarious and overwhelmingly adorable. As soon as you meet this alien it brings a smile to your face and you can’t help but laugh whenever it opens its mouth.

7 “I Like The Way You Speak Words”

The reason most found this so funny is because as previously mentioned, Gary thinks himself as being cool, calm, and casual. So whenever he tries to flirt with a woman, hilarity ensues at the pure gibberish that comes out of his mouth.

Most of what Gary says when trying to flirt is hilarious but this one just takes one of the top spots as being the funniest. Many can resonate with failing to act cool in front of someone good looking which only serves to make this even funnier.

6 “Twist My Nipples Rough”

It should be noted that this is not in the context it sounds. It’s more of a statement, another load of gibberish that comes out of Gary’s mouth. Final Space is favored for its odd sayings and catchphrases, so it would be wrong to not include one like this.

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What makes this so funny isn’t what is being said rather how it is said, it being more of a realization than anything else. It is randomly hilarious and one that will stay in your mind forever, maybe even using it yourself to watch the reactions surrounding you.

5 “I Didn’t Forsee My Emotional Shield In Getting Shut Down So Quickly”

What makes this line so funny isn’t the subject matter behind it, but the relatability that comes with it.

A lot of people have fallen in love and seen the wall they build come crumbling down before they realize what’s happening. This is why people find this line so funny, it’s relatable and exciting to see Gary get what he wants. As well as it is said in a pretty odd and hilarious way.

4 “Let’s Get Wild, How About You Buy Me A Drink”

Perhaps what makes Final Space so hilarious is how subtle some of the jokes are, fans will miss certain jokes in the first watch and have a whole new experience the second time around. This is a prime example.

It’s another time in which Gary is not as smooth as he thought. Yet this joke is still subtle enough to be missed if you don’t catch the “you”. However, if you do then it’s guaranteed to make you laugh, especially since he says it so confidently.

3 “Hey Kids, It’s Me, Your Mother”

It’s all about context with this joke. To sneak into the Lord Commanders lair Gary must put on the skinsuit of another alien. After remarking that it’s still warm and wet he ends up landing in the house of the dead aliens family. So, of course, the natural statement in that situation is just to pretend that their mother is back.

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This is certainly a spit-your-drink-out statement that is by far one of the funniest jokes in the show, as well as being particularly memorable.

2 “That’s Not A Cookie. And You Know That HUE, You Know That!”

The relationship that HUE has with Gary and the love Gary has for cookies is one reason that this show is so funny. Gary if often willing to risk his life for a cookie and will try to get hold of one at any given opportunity, whilst HUE never lets him have one.

Being the ship itself, HUE has control over Gary’s sentence and punishment which allows total control over Gary and his love for cookies. Allowing for some hilarious scenes.

1 “Get Off My Cheeks HUE!”

Gary and HUE’s relationship is a weird thing that causes a variety of fantastic jokes and actions that cause the audience to love it any time they talk to each other.

This is one of the most quotable lines in the show and one that fans absolutely adore. It’s so simple yet makes anyone watching laugh, no matter what situation it’s said in. Not much can be said as to why this is so funny, but if you haven’t already, watch the show and you’ll find out for yourself.

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