Something that Pixar has always excelled at is creating funny characters that audiences will find themselves laughing at throughout the entire movie. The animation giant has always managed to find a great balance between making characters funny to both children and adults, ensuring that they’re not too goofy, nor too serious.

Finding Nemo is a brilliant example of that. It is one of Pixar’s greatest ever movies because the characters have so many layers. They all bring great humor in their own manner, but they also have emotions and the movie creates stakes for the viewers to care about. But the funniness of the characters really does drive the story, keeping things light, even when the situation is actually quite a grave one.

10 Gill

Gill is the leader when it comes to the fish living inside the fish tank at the dentist. He’s the character who has all the experience, he creates great plans to escape and has the cuts and scars to showcase the difficult life that he has led.

Because of the difficulties he’s gone through, Gill is shown to be quite a serious character most of the time. He ends up being something of a mentor towards Nemo, and that brings some bright moments as his personality begins to lighten up. But he doesn’t really ever bring the humor to the movie.

9 Marlin

Marlin’s lack of comedic ability is something that actually becomes something of a running joke throughout the course of the movie. Simply because he is a clownfish, everyone he encounters on the journey expects him to be hilarious, yet that is rarely the case.

He makes some typical dad jokes that are very lame and not funny, but his inability to be funny actually makes for some laughs. While his character is full of heart and passion, he is certainly not one of the funnier characters within the movie.


8 Bruce

Bruce isn’t the stereotypical shark that is often portrayed within the movie world. He and his fellow shark friends are actually trying to adopt a ‘fish are friends, not food’ mentality in the movie, and that leads to a really funny scene where they discuss how long they’ve gone since eating one.

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However, it is actually the other sharks who are able to hold back their desire for eating fish, because when Bruce smells blood he loses his cool. That changes his humor, but it doesn’t take away from the hilarious scenes he has, particularly the funny back and forth with Dory.

7 Nemo

Nemo himself might bring an overload of cuteness to the movie, but he’s not hilarious. The young fish is thrown around from pillar to post within this movie, so Nemo really brings a lot of the more emotional aspects to the film, which is understandable.

However, at the start of the movie, he is very funny alongside his worrying father, and when he begins to relax to life inside the fish tank, Nemo also starts to shine. He can bring some funny one-liners and his confident attitude on its own is a lot of fun to see.

6 Peach

Peach is really the lookout for everyone within the fish tank, with the starfish providing regular updates on everything that is going on within the dentist. He seems to know everything there is to know about dentistry, which is hilarious within its own right, and his commentary on the procedures is very funny.

Peach can be quite dry and witty with his satirical comments towards different situations. He offers a great analysis of things going on within the tank and becomes one of the funniest characters within the movie while doing so.

5 Bloat

Bloat seems like he was put into Finding Nemo purely for the humor that he brings, and it is something that works really well within those scenes. Despite being quite a scary fish due to his ability to puff out, he is actually a real worrier at times, and that brings some very funny moments.

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Plus, with Bloat Pixar has the option of using physical comedy due to his size-changing ability, and that is something that was used really well within the animation to help make him one of the funniest characters in the movie.

4 Deb/Flo

Inside the fish tank, there’s no doubt that Deb/Flo is the funniest character. The dual personality that the fish showcases with the reflection on the tank is absolutely hilarious, and she provides some brilliant one-liners within the tank.

The conversations Deb/Flo has with herself are some of the funniest moments within the movie, and it can really be a lot of fun to see. The two have different personalities and that is something that opens up a lot of funny scenes.

3 Crush

Crush is an excellent character who totally steals the scene when he’s around. It’s a shame that Crush only has a small snippet in this movie because his laid back and relaxed attitude creates some really funny moments at times.

He’s very chilled and that’s all part of his personality and charm. It’s what makes him a lot of fun overall with his general attitude being what drives the character forwards. He responds well to other characters and has some great comments with Dory and Marlin, which are very funny.

2 Nigel

Nigel is another character who isn’t in the movie all the time, however, when he is, he’s absolutely hilarious. Nigel is a very over the top personality and he has a lot of energy, which brings some really funny moments, particularly with the seagulls.

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He’s kind and caring for others, but he is also very funny. Nigel is a real storyteller and he paints a picture perfectly, sharing his adventures and what he sees with others in the funniest of ways. Plus, the scene where he barges into the dentist and creates complete pandamonium is an amazing one.

1 Dory

Of course, the funniest character within Finding Nemo is absolutely Dory. Her forgetful mind and clumsy behavior bring some amazingly funny moments to the movie and Ellen plays the character perfectly, bringing the right tone to everything.

She delivers the lines with the right sense of dry wit, with Dory not being intentionally funny in terms of giving jokes. However, it’s her erratic behavior that makes for great laughs, such as her belief she can speak with whales. The character is created to provide humor, as she is the comedic relief sidekick, but it’s one that Pixar absolutely nails.

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