Fleabag may have only lasted two seasons and twelve episodes, but its dark humor, profound message, and innovative narrative techniques make it a show that will be talked about for years to come. Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s incredible creation featured a slew of interesting characters that all went through their own journeys, even in just a few hours of total run time.

Some characters were able to improve themselves, while others gave in to their worst traits. Not all character arcs are pretty, and Fleabag is far too intelligent of a show to give everyone a happy ending. If you are a fan of nuance, this is the show for you. Here are some of the best character arcs in Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s hit BBC show Fleabag. 

10 Ars*h*le Guy, Not Leading Fleabag On Anymore

Fleabag has several one-night stands with this person, a handsome, narcissistic man who fancies himself an intellectual. After they see each other more and more, Fleabag begins to think that there actually might be something worth exploring with this man, other than the physical part. He puts a stop to this before it begins, although it happens unintentionally. He professes his love for another woman to Fleabag, thus ending their “relationship.” Fleabag probably would have been hurt by him anyway, so it was probably for the best.

9 Bus Rodent, Cutting Through The BS

One of Fleabag’s love interests is a man she met on the bus, an energetic fellow with an unfortunate set of teeth. Fleabag humors him by going out with him a few times, even though she has very little interest in him. For a while, the poor man seems to think that their relationship is more serious than it actually is. He catches on, though, saying that he can see right through her as a result of girls leading him on for years. At least he didn’t stick around long enough to have his feelings truly hurt.


8 Harry, Getting The Life He Wants

Harry is Fleabag’s on again-off again boyfriend. They have a difficult relationship. Harry is very emotional and wants to have a significant other who is ready to progress with him, which Fleabag is not. The two often go through short breakups, which result in Harry coming back and resuming the same cycle.

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He eventually has had enough and ends things for good. Harry has a baby with the next girl he dates, thus getting the life he wanted. A happy ending for a good man.

7 The Godmother, Cracking

Fleabag and Claire’s godmother, who eventually becomes their stepmother, has a black belt in passive aggressiveness. She is constantly hitting people with verbal darts, all with a big smile on her face. Meanwhile, things around her are crumbling, from Fleabag making a scene at her art exhibit to the Priest not being able to officiate her wedding. She simply can’t keep up this facade anymore. Viewers finally get to see her smile wiped away as she shows some genuine emotion for the first time. It’s anger, but at least she isn’t hiding behind that fake smile of hers.

6 Dad, Connecting With His Daughters

Listening to Fleabag’s father talk can be painful. He is so meek and unsure of what to say that he rarely even finishes a sentence at all, at least in the beginning of the show. Slowly, the girls’ father begins to show a little more emotion, even completing a thought or two. He is not good at dealing with his controlling fiancée, but at least he is able to tell his daughters how he feels about their lives and about his. It isn’t much, but he improves by leaps and bounds when compared to his earlier version.

5 Martin, Showing His True Colors

Martin is Claire’s husband and Fleabag’s brother-in-law. In the beginning, you are quickly introduced to how obnoxious he is, but he at least has his moments. Martin gradually reverts to his old ways, however, succumbing to alcoholism and finally forcing Claire’s hand when she decides to leave him. Although he won’t admit it, he isn’t a good husband or a good person overall, leading many fans to cheer when Claire breaks things off.

4 Claire, Finally Doing Something About It

While Fleabag lives by the seat of her pants, her sister Claire is the polar opposite. She lives a conservative life, taking as little amount of risk as possible and always planning her next move. However, as it becomes more and more apparent that her marriage is not worth saving and that her true path lies in another country, with another man, she must finally do something unsafe. Her sister serves as her guide through all of this. Claire finally has a chance to be happy.

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3 The Priest, Coming To Grips With Things

The Priest is Fleabag’s main love interest in the show. Fleabag constantly pesters him with hints of her deep-rooted affection towards him, but he manages to keep his feelings at bay for most of the show. It is eventually too much for him, as he and Fleabag both succumb to their sinful desires. This is not the end of his arc, though.

The Priest needed to experience that which he so lusted for in order to be able to quell it, which he does in the closing scene of the series finale. He decides that he cannot pursue a relationship with Fleabag, instead choosing to honor his lifelong commitment to his faith.

2 The Bank Manager, From Foe To Friend

The first episode of Fleabag gives the viewer a peak into Fleabag’s business. She runs a guinea pig-themed café that has fallen on hard times. She seeks out a loan, which is rejected by a surly bank manager after a somewhat contentious argument. The viewer might think this is the end of his role in the show, until Fleabag runs into him again at a retreat. They have a heart-to-heart, in which they both admit how life has beaten them down recently. Fast forward to the final episode of Season 1, and the bank manager ends up revisiting her loan application, which he accepts this time. When you take some time to know someone, you end up realizing we are all going through something and that, together, we can get past it.

1 Fleabag, Moving On

Fleabag is constantly haunted by the sins of her past, mostly related to the death of her best friend, Boo. She sweeps these emotions aside through sex and overall madness, but at her core she is in desperate need of healing. In the beginning, Fleabag is a sex-addict with a failing business and no direction in life. The Priest helped, her sister helped, and even the Bank Manager helped her release her guilt little by little. As she walks away from the camera in the closing scene, she is now more aware of her flaws and how to deal with them, while also running a budding business. She might not be happy in the moment, but the foundation is there for her to build up her life properly.

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