Over the course of Food Wars, many talented cooks fight for the title of the best chef in the series. From the former members of the Totsuki Elite Ten to the chefs of Noir at the BLUE, there are just so many talented cooks to choose from.

A few of the best chefs in the anime, such as Gin Dojima and Azami Nakiri, never show off their cooking skills on screen, so it’s unfair to compare them to the characters whose cooking is ranked in competition. While it’s certainly a tall order to rank some of the chefs, there are others whose skills speak for themselves.

10 Akira Hayama

The current fourth seat of the Elite Ten, Akira is known as the master of spices. While having a great sense of smell may not seem like a useful ability in most circumstances, his supernatural nose gives him a huge advantage in cooking battles.

While Akira’s specialty is curry, he is an overall accomplished chef. He defeats both Soma and Ryo in the Autumn Election Finals with his Scorched Pacific Saury Carpaccio and just misses out on qualifying for the BLUE, tying for fourth with Satoshi and Isami in the preliminaries. Akira is an elite chef who will only get stronger thanks to his mastery of spices and rivalry with other talented chefs like Ryo.

9 Megumi Tadokoro

While Megumi is only ranked as the tenth seat of the current Elite Ten, she has proven herself to be a talented chef whose cooking is rooted in hospitality. With her down-home cooking, she is capable of transforming seemingly ordinary dishes into absolute masterpieces.

At the start of the series, Megumi is very insecure and doubts her abilities. However, thanks to her friendship with Soma, she slowly comes to trust in herself. After joining the student council, Megumi travels the world and picks up many new techniques that further improve her skills as a chef. In a surprising plot twist, she puts the rest of Totsuki on notice in the Blue preliminaries with her inspired take on miso soup, as she scores the highest marks of the competition.


8 Takumi Aldini

Takumi may not be ranked as high as some of the other members of the current Elite Ten, but his status as Soma’s rival accelerates his learning and allows him to leapfrog over many of his peers. His creative take on Italian cuisine is nothing short of inspired, and he is constantly improving his skills.

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Over the course of the series, Takumi defeats many talented chefs. In the Regiment de Cuisine, he takes down Etsuya Eizan, and together he and Soma defeat Don Calma in the Teamwork Cooking bout of the BLUE. Additionally, his Aldini Style Cheese Fondue Minestrone earns him second place in the BLUE preliminaries, which only further underscores his blossoming talent.

7 Rindo Kobayashi

The former second seat of the Elite Ten, Rindo is a renowned master of exotic ingredients. Rindo may not be as competitive as many of her fellow chefs, preferring to try different foods over competing in cooking battles, but her skill and knowledge of rare ingredients are almost without peer.

During the Regiment de Cuisine, Rindo shows off her cooking skills in three successive bouts. She wins her first bout against Megishima with a spicy dish made from alligator, and she then goes on to crush Takumi in her second bout with her Spear Squid Causa. Rindo earns her title as The Brave Barbarian, as she is a fearless cook who is not afraid to experiment with wild ingredients.

6 Eishi Tsukasa

The former first seat of the Elite Ten, Eishi is known as the White Knight of the Table thanks to his ability to draw out the best aspects of his ingredients. He is a perfectionist who excels not only in Haute French cuisine, but also in turning ordinary ingredients into beautiful dishes that are tantalizing both to look at and eat.

Eishi showcases his cooking skills on several occasions, most noticeably during the Regiment de Cuisine when he takes down first Kuga and then Satoshi with his imaginative interpretations of dishes featuring green tea and wild rabbit. Although he eventually loses to Soma and Erina in the final, he is deserving of his title as one of the best chefs to ever walk the halls of Totsuki.

5 Kojiro Shinomiya

A member of the 79th generation of Totsuki alumni and a former first seat of the Elite Ten, Kojiro is the first Japanese chef to win the coveted Pluspol, the most prestigious award in French cuisine. Also known as The Legume Magician for his ability to bring out the best qualities of vegetables, Kojiro is a professional chef who competes at the highest level in the culinary world.

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During his match with Soma and Megumi during the training camp, he creates a Chou Farci that wows the judges and almost ends up getting Megumi expelled. While he only briefly shows off his skills in the series, his short time on screen is more than enough to demonstrate his talent.

4 Joichiro Yukihira

Soma’s dad Joichiro is a former second seat of the Elite Ten and a prolific chef. As a student, he won 100 out of 121 cooking battles with the former first seat Gin Dojima, which underscores how his ranking fails to give him enough credit. Although he never finished school, he went on to travel and hone his skills in kitchens across the world before settling down and founding the Yukihira Diner.

Joichiro has earned his nickname, “The Demon,” through his fearlessness in the kitchen. He is not afraid to experiment with ingredients, which is also the inspiration for his unique approach to cooking called Yukihira Style. Despite over 50 attempts, Soma is never able to defeat his father in a cooking match, which serves as yet another testament to Joichiro’s skill.

3 Asahi Nakiri

The son of Azami Nakiri, Asahi is a talented young chef who trained under Joichiro before going off to hone his skills and eventually become the leader of the underground group of chefs known as Noir. With his Crossed Knives skill, Asahi can imitate the techniques of any chef whose knife he possesses, which allows him to integrate different cooking styles into never-before-seen delicacies.

While Asahi is only introduced in the final season, he manages to prove his skill in a short period of time. He not only defeats Joichiro, but he also takes down Eishi and Megumi before finally meeting his match in Soma in the BLUE finals. His loss may not be enough to turn him from an anime villain into a hero, but Asahi is still deserving of being considered a top chef.

2 Yukihira Soma

Soma is the main protagonist of Food Wars, and he’s undoubtedly one of the best chefs in the series. Over the course of the anime, he learns through failure and constantly pushes himself to improve his skills. While Soma is never able to beat his father and Erina, he is able to defeat Asahi during one of the best episodes of Food Wars, which is enough to give him the edge over his old man.

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Battle after battle, Soma builds on his experience to craft new and innovative dishes like his Time Fuse Mapo Curry Noodles and Quail Stuffed with Risotto and Eggs. By never giving up learning from his failure, Soma ensures that he has all the ingredients needed to be one of the greatest chefs of his generation.

1 Erina Nakiri

The woman who possesses the God’s Tongue and the current director of Totsuki, Erina Nakiri has all the tools to be the best chef in the anime. In addition to her supernatural sense of taste, she grows up in one of the world’s premier cooking families, which grants her access to ingredients, styles of cooking, and experience that no other chef can hope to achieve at her age.

Although fans only get to see a few of her dishes during the anime, those few were enough to prove her credentials. In the Regiment de Cuisine finale, she creates her Le Plat Veritable using cheap snacks including squid and peanut butter, a feat that only she could achieve. All together, Erina’s combination of skill, education, and supernatural ability make her the best chef in Food Wars.

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