Warning! SPOILERS for Foundation episode 5

Apple TV+’s Foundation series took a heartbreaking direction after Gaal learned the fate of Raych Foss, the man responsible for Hari Seldon’s murder. The psychohistorian whose ability to predict the future drives the entire Foundation story, and Hari Seldon was murdered before his exile had even begun. The shocking end of Foundation episode 2 left the Terminus colonists reeling, though they were committed to following Hari’s mission – albeit shaken by the loss of their hero and mentor.

Isaac Asimov’s novels span a millennium, and David Goyer’s Foundation follows suit. Foundation episode 3 avoiding showing the immediate consequences of Hari’s death, instead jumping forward several decades to a time when the Foundation was well-established on Terminus and, back on Trantor, the Emperor had hoped Hari Seldon and his prophecies had been consigned to history. What they did not expect, though, was for Hari’s protégé Gaal Dornick to emerge from cryogenic suspension – awakening just at the time of the first Seldon Crisis that had the potential to shape the future of the galaxy.


Stranded on a spaceship she cannot control, Gaal learned she has access to the Imperial public records, and wasted no time trying to find out what happened to her lover Raych in the aftermath of Hari Seldon’s murder. Gaal was heartbroken to learn Raych’s fate, but his final thoughts were for her rather than for herself – words that echoed through the decades and that have the potential to guide Gaal, as she steps into the future.

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Hari Seldon’s Death & Raych’s Fate

According to the Empire’s public records, Raych refused to give a reason for the murder of Hari Seldon. The most likely reason is, of course, that he was obeying Hari’s own orders. The psychohistorian’s calculations had presumed he would be killed by the Emperor and his followers exiled to Terminus, but Foundation‘s psychohistory as a scientific discipline is unable to accurately predict the actions of individuals, and instead the Emperor chose to spare his life. It’s reasonable to assume Hari believed the Foundation needed him to serve as a matyr, resulting in an almost religious zeal that would sustain the project over the decades. Thus, he pushed Raych to do the deed, originally intending his foster son to then leave the Foundation in a cryo-pod that would keep him in suspended animation until the first Seldon Crisis. That plan fell apart when Gaal Dornick walked in at the moment Hari had just been killed, and Raych – believing his lover would be implicated in the murder – sent her out in the pod instead.

Hari Seldon had established a “mortality directive” – the Imperial equivalent of a will – that dictated what should be done with his body after death. After a funeral ceremony, Hari’s body was ejected into space in a capsule of his own design. Raych was judged guilty of Hari’s murder, and in accordance with the laws of the Empire the colonists passed a death sentence. Raych Foss was executed, blasted out of an open airlock.

Raych Foss’ Last Message To Gaal

As he faced death, Raych delivered his final words to the camera monitoring his execution – words intended not for the colonists, but for Gaal, who he knew would eventually look at the footage. “I know it’s hard,” he said. “I know what I’ve done seems incomprehensible, but… you can’t lose faith in the plan. Ever. You can still solve a puzzle, even with a piece missing.” He, of course, is the piece of the puzzle that is now missing. He was the one who was supposed to be in cryogenic suspension for decade, and then go on to perform a specific role in accordance with Hari Seldon’s plans, but now that responsibility falls to Gaal Dornick. Though Gaal does not know it, she has been awoken at the time of the first Seldon Crisis, with the fate of the Foundation hanging in the balance. Fortunately, she is probably the only woman who could possibly be up to the task, because she’s the only one who has come close to understanding Hari Seldon’s psychohistory. She can interpret his prophecies and figure out the truth.

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