Frasier gave viewers one of the most memorable TV dogs to ever grace the small screen. Played by Moose the Jack Russell terrier, Eddie appeared in almost every episode of Frasier, and he was often the perfect comedic foil to the human characters on the show.

Though he never spoke a word, Moose gave a terrific canine performance,  and Eddie was responsible for some of the funniest moments of the entire series. Though Eddie didn’t play a major role in many episodes, the ones in which he did are shining examples of what made Frasier hilarious.


“Daphne’s Room” – Season 2, Episode 17

Though he spoke at length about human psychology, Frasier Crane often showed that he didn’t understand others. In the episode “Daphne’s Room,” Frasier retrieves a book from Daphne’s room and she isn’t happy about it. Later, Frasier ends up in her room under more dubious circumstances.

Though the episode is typical fare for the show, Eddie arrives to steal the scene with his brief appearance. As the farcical situation reaches its climax, Eddie runs out of Daphne’s room with one of her bras in his mouth. Though he was portrayed as a simple pup, it was clear that Eddie often showed that he was one of the smartest characters on Frasier when he intentionally made bad situations worse.

“Call Me Irresponsible” – Season 1, Episode 7

Frasier usually featured a Christmas episode in each season, and the first was very memorable. “Call Me Irresponsible” sees Frasier giving a man advice to break up with his girlfriend. Frasier’s ethics come into question when he then goes on a date with the caller’s ex.

Christmas isn’t the sole focus of the episode, but the imagery and music is festive enough to correspond with the holiday. The moment that steals the show is when Frasier is roped into posing for a Christmas card, and Eddie upstages everyone in the photo. The sometimes well-behaved dog sits in the foreground with reindeer ears on. Despite Frasier’s trepidation to take the photo, Eddie is ready for his close-up.

“The Gift Horse” – Season 5, Episode 2

The sibling rivalry between Niles and Frasier led to many of the funniest moments of the series. In “The Gift Horse,” the brothers get into a game of one-upmanship in the quest to outdo each other in gifts for their father.

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Eddie does what he does best in all of his appearances: He steals the show in a way that only a dog can. While Frasier is pondering what to get his father, he tries reading the newspaper but is repeatedly interrupted by the playful dog. Though the episode sees brother against brother, Eddie is more than willing to revive his ongoing feud with Frasier, who makes it clear that he doesn’t like Eddie.

“Three Dates And A Breakup” – Season 4, Episodes 19 And 20

Frasier’s life is often inextricably linked to the lives of his brother and father, much to his chagrin. “Three Dates and a Breakup” sees Frasier’s entire social calendar interrupted by his father’s sudden breakup with Sherry. Just when Frasier scores three dates on three consecutive nights, his father arrives to ruin the entire enterprise.

Eddie is at his best when he arrives at the last moment to add insult to injury. It often seens as if the dog has a prescient ability to know when to show up and wreak the most havoc in Frasier’s life. When Frasier’s date storms off in disgust before dinner, Eddie swoops in to gobble it up before it gets cold.

“Three Valentines” – Season 6, Episode 14

The love lives of the characters on Frasier were often on full display, and it was hilarious watching the entire Crane family swing and miss in the romance department. “Three Valentines” follows Frasier, Daphne, Martin, and Niles on their various Valentines Day exploits. Predictably, things don’t go very well, and hilarity ensues.

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Though the episode focuses on its human characters’ day, the dog is on hand to drop in a truly hilarious moment that is textbook Eddie. As Niles prepares for his date, he nearly burns the apartment down trying to iron his pants. Eddie nonchalantly watches the scene unfold almost as if he is mocking his owner’s son. Proving he’s no Lassie, Eddie makes no attempt to help, and in fact seems to enjoy the foibles of the hapless Niles.

“Mixed Doubles” – Season 4, Episode 6

Frasier often shows viewers that timing is everything, and sometimes the most well-meaning advice is actually terrible. In “Mixed Doubles,” Joe breaks up with Daphne, and Niles sees it as his chance to make a move. Frasier suggests that he wait one day out of respect, but Daphne meets a new man in the meantime.

Though the episode focuses on Niles, Frasier has his own B-plot and a score to settle. With time on his hands, he decides to finally get one over on the dog who has tormented him for years. Frasier challenges Eddie to a staring contest as a measure of revenge, but he is quickly outwitted by the crafty canine.

“Death And The Dog” – Season 4, Episode 12

Eddie takes center stage in the middle of the fourth season, and he shines. “Death and the Dog” finds poor Eddie in a depressive funk, so the gang calls an animal psychiatrist to help out. While trying to figure out why a dog would be depressed, the Frasier gang finds reasons to feel depressed about their own lives.

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Eddie gets a lot a screen time, and the episode is all the more enjoyable for it. The humor comes from the fact that a pair of psychiatric professionals can’t figure out what is bothering a dog who should have a much simpler mind than their human patients. Ever the opportunist, Eddie never misses a chance to drag Frasier down with him, even when it comes to a moment of melancholy.

“The Unkindest Cut Of All” – Season 2, Episode 2

The only thing better than one dog is an entire litter of puppies. “The Unkindest Cut of All” puts the Crane household in an awkward position when a neighbor shows up with a box full of puppies that she claims were sired by Eddie. A philosophical debate begins over Frasier’s house rules when he insists Eddie be neutered.

Eddie is a rebellious trickster, and this early Frasier episode defines him as a character. Eddie hilariously puts the entire household in a tough spot with his antics, and it causes his nemesis, Frasier, a lot of headaches. The episode is typical of the farcical humor that Frasier is known for, but the addition of Eddie adds another hilarious wrinkle that elevates the story.

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