Mr. Heckles often complained about the noise coming from Monica’s and Rachel’s apartment in Friends. It wasn’t until after he dies that the group realizes how noisy it really was in his apartment. Mr. Heckles was on the show briefly, but his character had an impact on the characters, especially Chandler.

Several memes have been created to celebrate Heckles’ personality and some memorable moments of his on the show. Whether he was complaining about the noise or stealing Ross’s monkey, Marcel, Heckles had some unforgettable scenes that audiences remember to this day.

10 A Belgian Waffle In The Hall

Mr. Heckles was a strange guy. This moment from Friends is a perfect example of that. Usually, if someone wasn’t ready to eat their meal, they’d save it in the fridge or maybe cover it up and leave it on the counter for a bit. Instead, Mr. Heckles decides to leave it out in the hall.

By doing that, he certainly risked the possibility of someone taking it, or worse, someone finding the perfect opportunity for a prank and sprinkling the waffle with hot sauce or something. Mr. Heckles certainly had his random moments.

9 When Phoebe Urged Heckles To “Go Into The Light”

Phoebe acted like Ghost Whisperer’s Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) in this instance, as she urged Mr. Heckles to “go into the light.” If anyone could feel Heckles’ spirit lingering, it would be Phoebe.

If he was hanging around, it was probably to make sure that Rachel and Monica would keep it down in his absence. Or to perhaps keep an eye on Chandler for a bit.


8 The Old ‘Dog Ate My Homework’ Excuse

This meme is undoubtedly relatable for anyone, especially teachers, who have heard the age-old “the dog ate my homework” excuse for missing schoolwork. This meme makes fun of Mr. Heckles’ “I could…” tendency and adds the hilarity of a neighbor kid calling out the kid using the excuse on their lie.

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While funny, it wouldn’t get that kid anywhere, and they’d probably have to actually do their homework next time.

7 Making Up Stuff

Heckles was usually making up stuff regarding just how noisy he perceived Monica and Rachel to be, as shown in this meme. He doesn’t have cats, but he says that he “could.” It seems like Heckles usually just wanted to come up to see the girls just to complain, in general.

It didn’t appear as though Heckles got out much, so maybe showing up to the apartment upstairs every so often gave him some interaction with other people. Either way, it’s funny how he’d come up with different lies describing just how noisy he thought the girls and their friends were.

6 What Are They Up To?

This is a perfect picture capturing just what Mr. Heckles probably would’ve looked like, waiting for Rachel and Monica to make noise so he could rush upstairs and complain.

There were probably times when no one was even home that Mr. Heckles would listen and look at his ceiling, waiting for even the slightest bang or echo of voices so he could complain. It makes this particular meme pretty funny, as audiences can imagine Heckles doing just that.

5 The Time Phoebe Told Heckles To Keep It Down

One of the times that Heckles showed up to complain about the noise, Phoebe had the perfect response for him. When he mentions that he “could play the oboe,” she tells him that she’ll have to ask him to “keep it down” and promptly shuts the door on him.

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It was brilliant and undoubtedly sent Heckles for a loop to have his own words thrown back at him. It’s one of the funniest Mr. Heckles’ moments, as he gets a taste of his own medicine!

4 Mr. Heckles Was Gone Too Soon

This meme takes a funny moment between Ross and Phoebe, in which Ross wanted to counter Phoebe’s beliefs with his own, and turns it into a way to recognize that Mr. Heckles was killed off much too soon.

Mr. Heckles was cranky and grouchy, but he was funny, and he held so much more potential for funny moments and quotes that could have become a major part of the show’s pop culture. Ross would certainly be the best person to present why Heckles should’ve stayed around longer, especially with his “briefcase of facts.”

3 I Could …

When he made up lies as he complained about the noise, Mr. Heckles always said “I could…” He could have cats, he could be practicing the oboe, etcetera. It’s something that was unique to Mr. Heckles’ character that audiences often laughed about. He could say anything. He could have plans, he could have a dinner party, he could have anything, and who were the friends to contest that?

They usually dismissed him, but it wasn’t until after he died that they figured out just how noisy they sounded from his apartment and his noise complaints made sense after all.

2 Chandler Finding Mr. Heckles In His Apartment

For whatever reason, Mr. Heckles decided to tell Chandler’s new roommate at the time, Eric, that he himself was Chandler’s new roommate. Eric walked away, definitely confused, and Mr. Heckles let himself into the apartment no problem, making himself right at home.

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Chandler’s reaction was certainly on-point and his facial expression, priceless. Though, if not for Heckles doing this, Chandler never would’ve had Joey for a roommate. Sometimes things are just meant to be, even though Chandler was clearly disturbed by Heckles’ presence in his apartment.

1 Chandler’s Fear Of The Future

When Mr. Heckles dies, he leaves his earthly possessions to Monica and Rachel. While helping the girls go through Heckles’ things, Chandler begins to find similarities between himself and Mr. Heckles and fears that he’ll end up just like him. Chandler even finds himself banging on the ceiling with the broom that Heckles previously used to get the girls to quiet down at one point.

However, in the episode’s conclusion, Chandler keeps Heckles’ yearbook and bids a heartfelt farewell to him, reassured that he’ll make his own destiny. Mr. Heckles impacted the lives of the friends one way or another, but Chandler, most significantly.

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