Ross and Rachel have gone down in history as one of the most epic couples on television. They were one of the first relationships to pull off the will-they-won’t-they dynamic, which kept viewers rooting for them from the ’90s to the early 2000s. But are they really as iconic of a couple as Friends made them out to be?

The two spent most of the series dating other people, which kept viewers on the edge of their seats. However, the wait for them to get back together wasn’t completely worth it. Their relationship was somewhat toxic, and there are several reasons why Ross and Rachel shouldn’t be the ship to root for.

10 Ross Never Supported Rachel’s Career

Rachel’s overarching character arc of the series was about finding herself and learning to stand on her own two feet. But when she does come across opportunities that could further her career, Ross never takes them seriously. If anything, he treats her job in the fashion industry like it’s a joke.

He barges into her work, insisting that they have dinner, when Rachel told him countless times she couldn’t. He even expects an apology from her when she gets home at the end of the night. The worst part of all is that Rachel was offered the opportunity of a lifetime in Paris, but she gave it up for someone who never supported her dreams, in the first place.

9 They Were Constantly At Each Other’s Throats

After their breakup, their relationship was never the same again. While it was never really healthy, at least they enjoyed being around each other. For the remainder of the series, they sometimes can’t even stand to be in the same room.

This would’ve been understandable if it was a way to cope with the end of their relationship, but the insults never stopped. And it wasn’t the flirty type of banter where viewers can tell they secretly love each other. Instead, it was hostile. When Rachel suffers mood swings from her pregnancy, Ross sarcastically says, “People ask me why we’re not together. I just don’t know what to tell them.”


8 Ross Had Serious Anger Issues

Ross’s anger issues should have been a red flag. In a typical sitcom fashion, the series played it off as a joke, but it didn’t take away from the fact that the issues were there.

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He was forced to go to anger management in order to keep his job, and considering how often he went off on Rachel, it’s clear that his problems affected their relationship. Rachel deserves better than someone who yells at her over things that are beyond her control.

7 Ross Made A Degrading List Of Rachel’s Flaws

At Joey and Chandler’s encouragement, Ross makes a list of pros and cons to decide between staying with his current girlfriend, Julie, or breaking up with her to be with Rachel. However, Ross’s cons end up becoming a list of insults about Rachel that show how he truly views her.

He thinks she’s ditzy, too into her looks, and uses the argument that she’s “just” a waitress. Of course, Rachel finds the list and is heartbroken, but an old video showing that he wanted to be her prom date in high school somehow made her forgive and forget.

6 Rachel Didn’t Even Seem To Like Ross

Rachel always had the most iconic quotes in terms of female empowerment. She often calls Ross out for his misogyny and never seems to be a fan of the way he talks to and about women.

Rachel is also caught rolling her eyes or looking exasperated nearly half the time Ross is talking, and it makes viewers wonder if she sees him as anything more than an annoyance. It’s hard to imagine that someone as iconic as Rachel Green would ever want to be with a man like Ross Geller.

5 Ross Slept With Someone Else

Almost everyone who’s ever watched television knows about the Ross and Rachel fiasco in the third season of Friends. After the two have an argument, Rachel suggests they take a break. Ross storms out, and Rachel calls him shortly after to tell him she didn’t mean it.

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They make up, but Ross realizes that Rachel’s work friend is at her apartment and believes that something is going on between them. Of course, Rachel’s friend was only over there making sure she was okay, but Ross draws his own conclusion and he hangs up and sleeps with a woman he met at the bar.

4 The Pure Way Joey Loved Rachel Made Ross Look Even Worse

Many viewers of the original airing of the series didn’t take a liking to Joey and Rachel’s relationship, but many new generation fans seem to prefer them over the alternative. Joey loved Rachel in a way that Ross never could, and whether or not people were a fan of this romance, it pointed out how bad Ross and Rachel were for each other.

Everything Ross did to Rachel, Joey did the opposite. He even made his own list of cons when it came to dating her, and all he could come up with was that she made him switch to light mayo. And, in his words, it tastes the same and his pants fit better.

3 Ross’ Jealousy Made Him Controlling

Ross acted like a controlling boyfriend long before the two were even a couple. He kept up with Rachel’s relationships in a way that was more creepy than caring.

When he found out that Rachel is going on a date with someone else, he expresses his frustration to Joey and Chandler. Joey then proceeded to say one of the most iconic lines of the series by exclaiming, “Oh no! How can she do that when she’s never showed any interest in you?” He even refused to divorce Rachel when they drunkenly elope in Vegas, despite her request. Ross often showed that he felt like he owned Rachel, and there’s nothing romantic about that.

2 They Had Nothing In Common

They say that opposites attract, and sometimes that’s the case. But when two people are the wrong kinds of opposite, they end up clashing. This is the case for Ross and Rachel. They have divided viewpoints on everything, whether it’s minimal or a much bigger issue.

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Their conversations only go one of two ways: they either yell at each other or put up with each other. Ross even fires a nanny that Rachel loves because he’s uncomfortable with a man being so gentle and nurturing.

1 Ross Never Owned Up To Ruining Their Relationship

The worst problem of all is that Ross never admits when he makes a mistake. The phrase, “we were on a break,” becomes a running gag throughout the show because Ross refuses to let it go. Whether or not the two were broken up for that 10-hour window isn’t even the main issue. Ross’s inappropriate behavior was the reason Rachel wanted a break, in the first place, and he didn’t waste any time jumping into someone else’s bed.

If Ross really loved Rachel, he would have respected her commitment to her career and wouldn’t have considered being with anyone else.

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