Monica couldn’t find a boyfriend, so she stumbled upon the first guy across the hall! That was a pretty mean way of summarising Mondler. But it wasn’t true at all, Monica didn’t go to Richard even when the latter offered her marriage and kids, somethings Chandler was unsure about. Monica may have married the man of her dreams, her best friend. But it wasn’t an easy journey for her.

Monica had a rough ride to find her Chandler. There was a multi-millionaire, a man child, a spiteful butt-munch waiter, and a grandpa. She also tried to look for comfort in Joey, went all the way with Paul on their first date. A single Newyorker, a smart sophisticated woman fell for gentlemen and jerks, both. Let’s recall and recommend those, shall we?

10 Would Date: Alan

“I personally could have a gallon of Alan.”

Monica wished that once she’d bring a guy home that her friends liked. Her wish came true and this man was Alan. Her friends didn’t behave like coyotes around Alan. They loved him, they thought he was the one for Monica. Only Monica didn’t think so. There was no real chemistry there. Chandler wanted to marry Alan for his David Hasselhof impression alone.

Too bad Monica and Alan didn’t work out. But he did become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends were measured. Alan is one hundred percent recommend as a date.

9 Wouldn’t Date: Julio

“Your no God’s gift to women, that’s all in your headdddd. You are just a buttmunch!”

For once Monica treated the man the way he deserved to be treated, with contempt. And with a string quartet! Julio was a misanthrope, an amateur poet who wrote The Empty Vase to ridicule American women. And not just her date Monica. Men like Julio live off of hating smart, independent women like Monica.

When one looks for good qualities in a man, dissing your date after a bunch of dates isn’t one of those qualities. Neither is dissing an entire spectrum of the female gender.


8 Would Date: Pete Becker

“I’m telling you, the day will come when children will argue over who will win a fight, me or Superman. Now, I’m not saying I could beat Superman, but y’know, kids are stupid.”

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Monica liked to date mature men like Pete Becker before he turned crazy. The short version is, Pete pursued Monica for a couple of months. He then gave her a $20,000 dollar cheque and she was his. The long version is Monica dumped Pete for telling the short version. Pete was the best romantic interest of Monica. Again, before he turned crazy.

Readers looking to catch the money bouquet would want their friends to date someone like Pete Becker. He knew how to treat his women. A pizzeria in Rome on the first date, a key to his lavish place, a restaurant where the couple could partner. Those would be on anyone’s wish list.

7 Wouldn’t Date: Young Ethan

“I’m actually 30, I have a wife, I have a job, I’m your congressman. Monica, this is ridiculous, we’re great together.”

How young is young Ethan? So young that dating him would make Monica a felon in 48 states. Young Ethan wasn’t a senior in college, as he’d told Monica. He was a senior in high school, someone who wasn’t even alive during the bicentennial.

Dating a 17-year-old wasn’t in the best interests of Monica. Ethan would make for a fun date for people his age. Not twenty-somethings! He’s definitely crossed off the list for adult women or even college girls.

6 Would Date: Roy Gublick

“I’m gonna kick Chip’s ass!”

Roy should have kicked Chip’s ass for being late to his own prom. And for dumping Rachel to fool around with Amy Welsh. Roy is recommended to any Star Wars fanatic. He saw the Star Wars 317 times!

His name was in the paper! Years later when Monica saw the prom video, she was happy to see Roy on the screen. Almost cheerful. Even though Roy was best friends with Chip, he was a fine young man. Such a date is so totally recommended.

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5 Wouldn’t Date: Fun Bobby

“Whattaya say we make these, uh, coffees Irish?”

Never had Ross seen Fun Bobby without a drink in his hand, ever. Neither had Monica been with him when he wasn’t drinking! All his stories started with, “Um, OK, ‘I was soooo wasted,’ or, ‘Oh, we were soooo bombed,’ or, ummm, ooh, ooh, ‘So I wake up, and I’m in this dumpster in Connecticut.”

For starters, an alcoholic who makes a lot of stuff Irish won’t be recommended to anyone. But if the alcoholic gets sober, he becomes ridiculously dull Bobby! Either the light in his fridge goes off, or he falls off the wagon again. By the end of things, Funny Bobby said Monica was the one with a drinking problem. Go way, dull/ Irish Bobby.

4 Would Date: Bob

“Bob is great. He’s smart, he’s sophisticated, and he has a real job.”

Bob dated Joey’s ex-flame Angela Delvecchio in Season 1. According to Angela, Bob was smart, and he had a real job. Joey and Monica double-dated with Angela and Bob. See Joey’s plan was to break the couple up and keep the pieces to him and Monica. Monica almost walked out on Bob. But when she found him horribly attractive, she stayed.

Monica was told Bob was Angela’s brother, soon she learned he was her date. She still agreed to go with Joey. The two of them put their heads together and broke the couple up. Monica couldn’t stop laughing at Bob’s Norman Mailer story. He really seemed like a nice guy.

3 Wouldn’t Date: Richard Burke

“Y’know after we had lunch last year I spent six months in Africa trying to get you out of my head!”

Richard Burke or the guy who’d go out with his best friend’s daughter. Monica and Richard’s storyline is problematic from the very beginning. Monica is cut some slack for she was young and bound to commit a few mistakes. But what happened to grandpa Richard there?

An old man dating a girl his daughters’ age, is deeply disturbing. Ain’t nobody got the time for a Richard! So he worked with blind kids trying to forget Monica, he shouldn’t have been with her in the first place. No wonder their relationship crashed and burned.

2 Would Date: Chandler Bing

“I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. Monica, will you marry me?”

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The showmakers’ decision to pair off Chandler and Monica was the best one. Chandler was perfect for Monica in every sense of the word. Mondler was foreshadowed a couple of times. Chandler, in general, was good to every woman he ever dated. With the minor exception of Janice. That is not to say he was inappropriate, he just kept dumping her again and again. Chandler would make a pretty damn good boyfriend to any woman, not just Monica.

1 Wouldn’t Date: Paul, The Wine Guy

“Ever since she left me, um, I haven’t been able to, uh, perform.”

Geez, what a liar! Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that? Paul, the sleazebag had Monica thinking she was the problem. That she had some sort of beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems could hear.

Only Monica at the time was looking for a more complicated answer than- Paul wanted to get her into bed. It’s a good thing Monica broke Paul’s watch. She should have broken his leg as well. Men like Paul are no good.

NextWhich Shameless Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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