Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with the main characters on the television series Friends, such as Chandler Bing, who was played by Matthew Perry. Chandler was sarcastic, loving, and a bit neurotic, and over the years, he helped make this story a popular and beloved success.

What were his best traits, though? And which of his flaws held him back the most? Like any human and/or TV character, he was made up of quirks that were charming or annoying, and that helped make him more or less relatable and likable. And his five best and five worst are listed out down below!

10 Best: Was Maybe The Funniest Main Character

Friends was a sitcom, so all the main characters were humorous in their own ways: Joey was goofy, Ross was awkward, Phoebe was quirky, Monica and Rachel both had some snappy and snarky retorts, and Chandler was sarcastic. 

Since he spoke this way regularly and naturally, his funny lines came out in a simple and effective way. So without even trying, he was possibly the funniest of all and definitely had some hilarious lines over the years.

9 Worst: But Could Be So Immature 

Chandler could also be immature, though. For one, he and Joey spent their free time goofing around and playing Foosball. And since Chandler used sarcasm as a coping mechanism and defensive move, he hid from confrontation and from facing problems head-on.

This was somewhat understandable, but that is not what a mature adult would and should do!


8 Best: A Compassionate Friend

All of the pals on this show were real, true, loving friends, and Chandler, in particular, was quite compassionate. He would drop everything to be there for his roommates and neighbors, he would listen or offer up advice, and he showed he cared about them all, no matter what. 

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Of course, this was often seen in his scenes with Monica, but even the guys of the show would stop messing around for a bit if a pep talk or serious moment came about or was needed.

7 Worst: Who Sometimes Lied

Another thing Chandler did, in order to avoid facing the truth or dealing with conflict, was a lie. And this does not just mean little fibs here and there… He would make up elaborate stories rather than, say, be honest with Janice, as he told her he was moving to Yemen once and then actually got on the plane!

While Janice could be annoying and while life can be tough, withholding the truth did not seem like the best option for this guy.

6 Best: Always Up For Fun

All of the main characters had good times together, and Chandler was certainly always up for fun. He had a charming and zany personality, and he enjoyed using his spare time for eating, playing, watching TV and hanging out in a chill way. 

Yes, since it has been said over and over that he didn’t like stressful situations, he was for sure one of the main characters who enjoyed entertaining time at home more than others.

5 Worst: Was More Passive Than Assertive

The commitment issues, needy behavior, and immaturity seen in this character also made him more passive than assertive. Now, most people are one or the other, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, as both of these traits come with their positives and negatives.

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However, for Chandler, it held him back; he could be afraid to speak up or out, even when it came to his relationship with Monica. 

4 Best: Had An Eccentric Vibe

Something else on the list of Chandler’s good traits was his eccentric vibe. He was like no other, and while he was not always 100 percent confident, he did have these unique and quirky ways that made him more relatable and likable (to and for some viewers).

His jokes, his view on life, his wardrobe (made up of quite a few sweater vests)… The Chandler stamp was put on all of this and more, helping to make him a one-of-a-kind part of this story.

3 Worst: As Well As Some Neurotic Behaviors

Some of these quirks were actually neurotic behaviors, though, and a big portion of this can be credited to his parents’ divorce; they announced that they were splitting up on Thanksgiving, so Chandler hated that holiday and had trust issues.

Remember his girlfriend Kathy? She had an on-screen and intimate scene with another man, and Chandler got paranoid about it. The fight he started actually did lead to her cheating on him with that costar, too. 

2 Best: Ended Up Being An Amazing Father/Husband

Despite any and all of Chandler’s not-so-great traits, he was an amazing husband and father. Fans adored watching him and Monica fall in love.

These two then got married and adopted a son, Jack, and a daughter, Erica. How sweet!

1 Worst: At First, Could Come Off As Needy 

A lot of Chandler’s negative traits could be summarized as needy. He was insecure, he did have commitment issues, and he was scarred after his parents got divorced. Therefore, he made jokes, especially when he was uncomfortable, as he thought that would show him off in the best way.

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At times, it did, but sometimes, this came off as helpless and weak. 

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