The show Friends was one of the most popular and beloved television shows of all time, and part of its success was Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani. He was a goofy, flirtatious actor who was also sweet, understanding, and caring. However, like any other human and/or TV character, he also had his fair share of flaws.

Right now, it is time to think back to all of this character’s interests, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses and to list out his good, his bad, and his ugly. Yes, down below, five of Joey’s best and five of his worst personality traits are listed out, for all to remember and rediscover. 

10 Best: Sweet 

As stated, Joey was very sweet. All of these main characters truly cared for one another, and Joey was one of the nicest ones. This was especially refreshing since he had this macho man persona and his famous pick-up line. 

The fact that underneath all of that, there was a total sweetheart… It made him even more interesting and appealing. 

9 Worst: Naive 

Joey could also be a bit naive. In fact, he was sort of like a giant baby in some moments. He was immature and not the brightest bulb, which could lead to some really dumb and childish moments. 

From how he acted with women and how he spent his free time to how he handled arguments, this not-so-great trait was put on display several times over the years. 


8 Best: Actor 

This story focused on New Yorkers who were all working and dating and living life, and for Joey, he made a living as an actor. As with any career, his had some happy, high points and some embarrassing, low ones, too.

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For instance, he played Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives… but he was also on a poster about V.D.! Throughout the series, he had some other odd jobs, as well, but his goal in life was to be a famous and successful star. 

7 Lows: Had Trouble With Negative Feedback

Joey was a happy-go-lucky guy, so he was not great with criticism or confrontation. In particular, he did not always take negative feedback regarding his acting very well.

This made a lot of sense, as he would put his heart and soul into his craft. Hearing anything bad about a performance would not be easy to hear, and Joey never did seem to grow in this area of reception. This could have been, in part, due to his immaturity, which will be discussed down below.

6 Best: Charming 

Of course, another one of this character’s positive traits would be his charm. He was funny and attractive, and he had a way with the ladies; his flirting could be cheesy, and he did not always make the best decisions in this department…

But overall, he had charisma and that dashing smile, which made him very cute and alluring!

5 Worst: Didn’t Always Treat Women Well

Speaking of his ways with women… Joey’s charm led to him hooking up with a good amount of people. And then, many times, he would ghost them, leave them hanging and never call them again!

For someone who could be so kind and so sensitive, it was never cool to see him treat people this way. 

4 Best: Compassionate

Joey was very outgoing and often greeted people with, “How you doin’?” Therefore, it was also a nice surprise to see how authentic and compassionate he could be. 

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The main characters on this series went through so many ups and downs together, and whenever Chandler, Ross, Monica, Phoebe, or Rachel was feeling down, they knew they could count on Joey to listen, to give them a great hug and to cheer them up. 

3 Worst: Childish

On the other hand, Joey was very childish. Sure, it can be fine for an adult to let loose and have some fun. There is a line and a limit, though.

Joey’s pastimes included video games, Foosball, comics books, jumping on the bed and sleeping with toys. Some of this was sort of enduring, but many times, his immaturity was embarrassing and something that held him back in his relationships and in general!

2 Best: Funny

Last but not least, when it came to good traits, Joey was hilarious. In fact, he may have been the funniest main character (though this would be hard to narrow down, to be honest)!

He made jokes with ease, he had a wild imagination, he had a catchphrase… So many of the stand-out scenes from Friends featured him and his humor. 

1 Worst: Needy 

Remember: Joey was an incredible friend, and he was super close to Chandler. He was also immature, so a final negative trait was his neediness. A wonderful example was that he was not okay with Chandler moving out and that he wanted his own room in Chandler and Monica’s place.

Again, his bond was sort of sweet, but he was a grown man, and there were plenty of times when he could have and should have sucked it up, not complained and moved on in a better way. 

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