Monica Geller is a timeless and iconic character and every Friends fan knows this bombshell inside and out. Like every sitcom, this one is full of dating and relationships, and, of course, some heartbreak. Whether or not fans think Richard was better for Monica or Chandler was, how likable, really, were the guys she dated?

From some short flings to some long-term runs, it’s time to stack up all of Monica’s exes against each other, and figure out which ones of them were actually likable to viewers of the show – and which ones totally weren’t.

10 Julio

Was there any reason to actually like Julio, other than the fact that he seemed to be able to make some words sound good together? This is a Paulo situation all over again (fans are looking at Rachel here), and Monica is just smitten by a handsome, foreign man.

Really though, Julio had nothing to offer. If that wasn’t bad enough, he wasn’t even romantic! Rather, he was a misogynist and totally unlikable.

9 Paul The Wine Guy

This guy appears for a brief episode, right in the pilot, and fans quickly learn how sleazy and unlikable he really is. Fans still don’t know what he has to do with wine, but they do know that he uses a ‘line’ to trick women into sleeping with him.

Monica definitely felt manipulated, and thankfully, stomped on his watch. He had a convincing façade, but there was nothing truly likable about this guy and he deserved what he got.


8 Chip Matthews

It’s hard to really call Chip Matthews one of Monica’s exes (since they only went on one date), but he still fits the bill for unlikable people that Monica tried to find romance with.

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Her high school crush should’ve stayed just that – because Chip was still the exact same guy all those years later. He was arrogant, loud, and had literally no ambition or redeeming qualities. Chip Matthews was finally left in the past after this horrible date.

7 Bobby

Whether fans want to talk about ‘fun Bobby’ or the real, serious Bobby, neither are all that likable. Bobby was funny and cute, but he certainly was never a character that viewers of this show actually cared about.

Plus, having to choose between someone who is super boring or has an alcohol problem isn’t a great one, and it’s for the best that Monica cut ties with both versions of Bobby. He doesn’t deserve too much credit, really.

6 Roy Gublik

Fans don’t get to see much of this guy, in fact, they never even see him in the present. Roy was Monica’s high school boyfriend and her prom date. Everyone’s favorite episode is “The One with the Prom Video,” and it’s hard to forget Roy saying he’s going to kick Chip’s butt.

He was a huge Star Wars fan, he was sincere, and he clearly had no bad blood with Monica – since she wasn’t even mad to see him in the video all those years later. He’s a great throwback ex.

5 Ethan

Ethan was actually kind of cute. He was kind, good-looking, and pretty sweet and caring when it came to Monica. Of course, he was also a big liar – since he was actually in high school.

Not only is this super creepy, but it’s also the huge downfall of Ethan’s character. That’s definitely not something to lie about, and it makes him way less likable as a human being. Plus, it didn’t look good for Monica. It was a forbidden romance, but at least he was nice.

4 Timothy Burke

There isn’t anything, per se, to hate about Timothy. He’s smart, handsome, and seems pretty nice. But the most unlikable thing about him was that he was Richard’s son.

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This was something that fans just couldn’t look past, and it would be super weird to actually date a father and a son. It’s one of Monica’s least redeeming moments, and it’s hard to like Timothy because of it.

3 Alan

Only true fans might remember Alan, but they’re sure that the gang at Central Perk always will. Monica brought home Alan because she thought everyone would love him – and they did. He was hilarious and handsome.

Sadly though, Monica didn’t feel the chemistry, and she was actually the only one that didn’t love the man. Still, he was a likable character, and Monica certainly could have done worse than this boyfriend.

2 Pete Becker

Despite the fact that Pete was kind of sporadic and wanted to be a professional fighter, he was totally lovable. He was rich and handsome, but he was also so sweet and friendly. He cared deeply about Monica and even the gang!

Pete was a lost love and is one ex that fans can all look back at positively. Sure, it ended for the best, but at least he was always a great guy – and he just had a dream that Monica couldn’t support.

1 Richard Burke

Is there any die-hard fan of this series that can actually, seriously, say that they don’t like Richard Burke? Despite their age gap, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this couple, and age is just a number in this case.

Besides their relationship, Richard was just genuinely a great guy – and some fans still ship him and Monica. He was intelligent, patient, caring, and totally cool. Every member of the gang was in love with him, and while it was for the best, he’s everyone’s favorite ex of Monica Geller’s.

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