Everyone is familiar with the TV show Friends, which was and is so popular, successful and beloved, and everyone who watched that series regularly/who still enjoys rewatching reruns has their favorite character. For many, that would be Phoebe Buffay, a quirky and entertaining woman who was like no other.

Like any other human or TV character, she had features and characteristics that made her relatable or not and likable or not, such as the 10 that are listed out down below. These were Phoebe’s five best and five worst personality traits, which were seen as she went about her intriguing life. 

10 (Best) Total Sweetie

First off, Phoebe was a real sweetheart. Since there were 10 seasons of Friends, there were many ups and downs experienced by the main characters.

In the happy times, Phoebe gladly celebrated with her best pals, and during sad moments, she was the first to offer up a shoulder to cry on, a song to cheer someone up or a listening ear. 

9 (Worst) Lied and Stole

Despite how kind and caring she could be, Phoebe was also pretty gifted in the areas of lying and stealing! She even had an alter ego, Regina Phalange, which could come in handy during some of her schemes and plots.

Another way that this character showed off her cunning and witty ways was when she used her childhood as a crutch; she would talk about how traumatic her past was, as a way to get what she wanted with her friends.


8 (Best) Had A Child-Like Wonder

While all of the main characters on this show knew how to let loose and have a good time, Phoebe had a child-like wonder that really stood out. For instance, Joey, who also had a child-like side to him, had to break it to Phoebe that Santa wasn’t real.

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And since Phoebe’s childhood was not normal, she seemed to have wanted to hold onto that part of herself, remaining full of imagination and fun. 

7 (Worst) Could Be A Bit Naive 

Along the same lines, though, she could be a bit naive. It didn’t help that she was also in her own little world and was super eccentric… meaning that, at times, things went right past her and right over her head.

Yes, Phoebe could have blonde moments, for sure, but that was part of what made her so fascinating to so many fans over the years. 

6 (Best) One-Of-A-Kind Musical Artist

As everyone knows, Phoebe sang and played the guitar for enjoyment and as a way to earn some money. Was she the best? Did she make it big?

Well, no, but she seemed to have the time of her life when on the stage. Plus, she made up memorable songs that have gone down in history.

5 (Worst) Indecisive 

Throughout the show, Phoebe worked as a masseuse, an extra on TV, a telemarketer, a secretary, and a Dairy Queen employee, as well.

While learning what she would be up to next was always interesting, it was not great that she hopped around from job to job; it showed instability and indecisiveness. And in fact, it really is shocking that she made enough to afford rent in such a big apartment and in such an expensive city!

4 (Best) Comfortable & Confident 

Despite any and all flaws seen in this character, Phoebe was super comfortable and confident in and with herself, which is such a positive trait to exhibit.

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From how she dressed and the songs she wrote to how she carried herself and interacted with others, her feistiness and self-confidence were excellent qualities. 

3 (Worst) Could Be Quite Conniving

Once again, though, it should be noted that Phoebe, on more than one occasion, tricked people, withheld the truth, and did whatever it took to get her way.

While some of this makes sense, it wasn’t nearly as attractive to see this side of her!

2 (Best) Activism

One more terrific thing about Phoebe Buffay was that she was an activist; she was regularly seen avoiding large corporations, working to protect the environment, and eating a vegetarian diet.

Since these are real-life and important issues, it is always nice to see TV characters speaking up on these topics.  

1 (Worst) Sometimes Forced Her Opinions On Others 

On the other hand, Phoebe could be pretty forceful, when it came to sharing her beliefs and opinions with others. As a free-spirited person, she should have understood that not everyone was going to understand her viewpoints. She could have passed along the information in a different way.

Furthermore, she did not always stick to her story, as she ate meat and wore clothing items such as a fur coat and leather pants. That did not help her forceful case at all and sometimes even undermined the causes that she was standing up for in the first place, playing into the reductive stereotype of the hypocritical hippie who says one thing and practices another.

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