She is an icon like no other, with a hairstyle that was replicated by many, lines that have become classics and a story that is loved by tons of fans. Yes, Rachel Green, who was played by actress Jennifer Aniston on Friends, was one of the most popular and successful characters of all time. 

And like any and all humans (on and off of television shows), she was made up of strengths, weaknesses, interests, dislikes and unique quirks that made her relatable or not. That being said, Rachel’s five best and five worst personality traits are listed out down below!

10 Stylish 

One of Rachel’s most notable qualities was her sense of style. She enjoyed fashion, shopping, and keeping up with/starting trends, and even when she was just hanging out at home, she looked polished and pretty. 

Professionally, she put these skills and interests to good use and moved up in the world of fashion; she was an assistant at Fortunata Fashions, a buyer and a personal shopper at Bloomingdale’s and an executive at Ralph Lauren.

9 Vain

There were times when it was clear that Rachel knew she was attractive and stylish, though, as she could be a bit vain. This was taken further by the fact that she had a spoiled upbringing, making her a bit entitled and selfish, too.

As the show progressed, she became more down-to-earth… but she did love herself!


8 Caring 

All of the main characters on Friends could be praised for their care and kindness. They have gone down in history as the most popular group of pals ever, and no matter what life threw at them, they were there for one another.

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Rachel, in particular, was featured in several scenes that put her compassion for others on display. She would help those in need, lend a helping hand and do what she could to spread cheer, happiness, and sunshine to one and all.

7 Deceitful 

Despite how cute and kind Rachel is, she lied on more than one occasion! For instance, in court, she said that Ross was unstable and had a drug problem. Another time, she tried to use her cunning ways so that Phoebe would mess up Julie’s haircut. And when her own sister, Jill, faked tears, she called her sibling out, saying that the inventor could not be fooled by such trickery. 

6 Fun 

While fans would surely give anything to hang out with the characters from this show, a good amount of people would certainly choose to hang with Rachel Green specifically. She was beautiful, successful, interesting, charming, and fun, too.

Days spent shopping, talking about boys, and sipping caffeinated beverages at Central Perk would be a blast with this fan-favorite chick!

5 Spoiled 

Leonard and Sandra Greene spoiled all three of their daughters, Rachel, Jill and Amy, giving them everything money could buy. These three were also very nice to look at and intriguing overall, making them quite popular. 

All of this went to Rachel’s head a bit, as she was, as mentioned, a bit spoiled. And while she did get better in this area, she was never first in line to help out with chores around the apartment. 

4 Loyal 

Think about all that these friends went through on this show. There were so many ups and downs, but through it all, they were loyal. Plus, when it came to romantic relationships, these characters, including Rachel, knew never to give up on true love… even if there were other significant others and breaks/non-breaks.

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3 Irresponsible 

Speaking of Ross… This brings about another one of Rachel’s negative traits: She had trouble admitting when she was wrong and taking the fall for her mistakes. Three examples centered around her life with Ross.

First, she said he made the first move on the night that they conceived their daughter, though it was really her. Then, she said it was Ross’ fault that they ended up getting married in Las Vegas, though it was really her idea. And she also tried to blame him for all the bumps in the road on their relationship, even though they both made mistakes. 

2 Witty 

One final positive aspect, when it comes to Rachel Green, would be her wittiness. This was, of course, a comedy series, and Rachel certainly added to the humor.

She was quick-witted and could be sarcastic, making for some funny, memorable, and snappy remarks and comebacks! So she goes to show that there is far more to a person than a nice face and outfit. 

1 Pushover

And last, on the list of not-so-great quirks, it should be noted that Rachel was somewhat of a pushover. She did not like confrontation and was not great at being assertive, and these are fairly common traits. However, these behaviors and fears could sometimes lead to her being walk all over and could hold this character back.

NextGilmore Girls: The Best Friendship In Each Season

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