Most Friends fans agree that Chandler and Monica are perfect for each other – but there is a small (and stubborn) minority who actually believe that Chandler’s soulmate was none other than Janice. Janice was, after all, a part of Chandler’s life (at least in some capacity) for almost the entire show, and just kept showing up, time and time again.

It wasn’t just her coincidental presence that makes her perfect for Chandler, though. While he and Monica embody the idea that opposites attract, and that his laid-back, funnyman style complements her uptight, rule-following perfectly (and bringing out their own traits in the other leads them to balance), he and Janice aren’t opposites at all. In fact, in many ways, these two are more similar than any other pair on the show. Maybe if they’d ended up together, Chandler may have even had a happier marriage (and Monica could maybe have made up with Richard). Still not sure? These episodes prove it.

8 The One With The Candy Hearts

One of the earlier Janice episodes, this is the first time that Chandler and Janice have a coincidental meetup – something that will become a typical situation for them, as the universe seems to be constantly bringing them together. Here, Chandler and Janice end up on a double date, as Joey and Janice’s friend are dating and wanted to bring someone else along. Of course, Joey and his date end up rushing out of the restaurant early (no prizes for guessing why), leaving Chandler and Janice alone together.

Surprisingly enough, the two actually reconnect, and end up having an amazing time and even sleeping together. It’s the first of many times that show that even when Chandler knows all the worst parts of Janice, he still has fun with her, not to mention amazing chemistry.

7 The One With Barry And Mindy’s Wedding

Once again, Chandler proves that he and Janice connect on a deeper level when he falls for her… without realizing that it is her. The two start chatting online, without revealing their identity to each other, and go on digital dates. After talking every day, they finally agree to meet – and are as shocked as anyone to find out who their internet romance is with. However, Chandler rushes over and kisses Janice, because clearly, they are perfect for each other, and just needed another chance to connect. This is also the start of one of their longer stints as a couple.


6 The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy

One of the biggest roadblocks to Chandler and Janice is the fact that the rest of the gang all hate her – for no real reason, other than the fact that she has a slightly abrasive laugh. But while most are willing to accept her when she is making Chandler happy, Joey absolutely despises her, and finds her so annoying that he can’t stand to be around her.

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That is, until this episode, and Joey And Janice’s Day Of Fun, where Janice puts an entire day and a huge amount of effort into forging a connection. She fails, but she does prove that she recognizes how important Joey is, and is willing to go above and beyond to show him that he, and their relationship, matters to her.

5 The One With The Jam

In this episode, Chandler comes to Ross and Rachel for relationship advice, but in the end, it’s clear that he and Janice actually have a better relationship than they do. Chandler is asking about how to extricate himself from nighttime cuddling so he can get a good nights sleep, and Ross tells him to roll her over (but lies to Rachel about the fact that he does this with her). In the end, Rachel ends up furious with Ross – understandably, as he lied to her. Janice, however, finds the whole thing funny – even though she gets injured in Chandler’s attempt to ‘hug and roll’) – and shows that she is actually a reasonable human who understands what he wants and appreciates that he was trying not to hurt her feelings.

4 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel


This episode proves that, just like Chandler, Janice has some commitment issues of her own – and they almost end things because of it. In ‘The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel’, Chandler gets carried away trying to prove that he’s not afraid of commitment with Janice, because he loves her so much (something that takes him a lot longer to figure out with Monica…), that he goes overboard, suggests moving in together far too soon, and nearly scares her off.

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However, after a hilarious scene at a grocery store, the two end up working it out, and even saying ‘I love you’ to each other. Janice and Chandler are honest with each other, care about each other, and have an incredible way of dealing with the stages in their relationship – and it’s amazing to see.

3 The One With The Giant Poking Device

Sadly, ‘The One With The Giant Poking Device’ is where Janice and Chandler break things off, after Chandler finds out that she cheated on him with her husband, and still has feelings for him. This may not seem like a particularly soulmate-worthy episode, but it actually is! Partially because she literally tells Chandler that he is her soulmate, but also because they are able to break things off with love and respect, because Chandler can’t stand to break up a family. They have similar values around keeping families together wherever possible, and Janice understands Chandler’s own history and his parents’ divorce, too.  Janice is right. She is his soulmate.

2 The One With All The Rugby

This time, Janice and Chandler break up for the last time – and it’s a shame, for those fans who think that they are actually pretty perfect together. However, this episode does show just how much Janice loves Chandler, and just how devoted she would be to him in a relationship. In this episode, she and Chandler reunite, and Chandler decides that he has to break things off again, but lies to her and tells her that he is moving to Yemen, and that’s why things have to end. Janice, loving woman that she is, accepts this, but also spends extra time with him, accompanies him to the airport, and watches his plane take off. It’s played for laughs, as it means Chandler has to actually go to Yemen, but it’s a lovely kind of devotion on her part.

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1 The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (Part 2)

This isn’t the last time that Janice and Chandler meet (as they very nearly become neighbors in the very end), but it’s a particularly funny one. Janice is actually giving birth at the same time as Rachel, and they all run into each other at the hospital – where Chandler asks Janice about who the father is. Deadpan, she tells him that he is, causing Chandler to start panicking… before Janice bursts out laughing and reminds him that they haven’t had sex in years. Given that Chandler’s sense of humor is one of his defining traits (and definitely not one of Monica’s) it’s clear that he and Janice are much more similar here, and that she absolutely loves to laugh – even while in labor! If they did get together, they would have always had fun, at least.

NextThe Vampire Diaries: The 10 Most Powerful Objects And Talismans, Ranked

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