A From Dusk Till Dawn animated reboot series is currently in development. The 1996 vampire-grindhouse film, directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino, has become somewhat of a cult classic since its original release. The film’s growing popularity over time generated a media franchise and sequel films From Dusk Till Dawn  2: Texas Bloody Mary and From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter. The film was also turned into a live-action television show expanding on the main characters and the origin of the vampires.

Now, director Robert Rodriguez tells SFX Magazine says that a From Dusk Till Dawn animated series will be the next venture for the cult classic story. Rodriguez hasn’t shared a lot of details regarding the direction of the story at this time, but he did Rodriguez discuss the origin of the live-action series and the culmination of events leading up to the animated series stating:


I had a television network here and I needed to create programming, so Quentin [Tarantino] and I still control the rights to it. So I went ‘Oh, wow, I’d love to expand the story of Santanico Pandemonium, and the whole Aztec Vampire lore for my network’…it was an original series for my television network, action television network called El Rey, which is, you know, the place they’re trying to get to at the end of Dusk Till Dawn so it fits perfectly. That was originally why we did it, so we did three seasons of that. And now we’re looking towards, we’re developing an animated Dusk Till Dawn.”

From Dusk Till Dawn follows the Gecko brothers, played by Clooney and Tarantino, who rob a bank and hold a father and his two kids hostage in order to cross the border into Mexico. When the brothers stop in a bar, filled with Aztec vampires, they’re forced to team up with their hostages if they want to make it out alive.

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An animated version of From Dusk Till Dawn is clearly going to look very different from the original films and live-action series, but it’s dusty, monster packed surrealist landscape will serve an animated series well.

Source: SFX Magazine

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