Frozen has been hailed for its break from the typical princess trope and its positive representation of a story about the love between sisters. While most Disney princess movies star one princess, Frozen has two, Princess Anna and Princess Elsa. While little girls around the world feel in love with Elsa, many young women found themselves identifying with Anna.

Anna is different than many other princesses. She is clumsy, awkward, and relatable. She feels real, the type of person who would be friendly and easily approachable. Her sense of humor, understanding of others, and occasionally naivety has lead to some of the most memorable quotes in the Frozen franchise. Here are Anna’s 10 best quotes from the first Frozen film.

10 “This Is Awkward. Not You’re Awkward But Just Cause We’re-I’m Awkward. You’re Gorgeous. Wait What?”

Upon meeting Hans, Anna is completely blown away. As she has been locked off from the rest of the world since she was a child, it makes sense that she would be a little stir-crazy and thirsty for human affection. When she and Hans accidentally collide, she looses her cool and starts spouting the first thoughts that come to her head.

This results in a hilariously entertaining scene for fans. It is also incredibly relatable as everyone has said something they hadn’t meant to say at one point. And as is often the case for many, Anna continues to fumble with her words making things worse as she attempts to correct her mistake before finally realizing what she has said and deciding it’s best to just stop talking.

9 “Snow. It Had To Be Snow! She Couldn’t Have Had Tropical Magic That Covered The Fjords In White Sand And Warm…”

While Anna is often an optimist, she’s also a realist. When faced with a difficult situation she trudges forward and tries not to complain.

Still, this sarcastic line shows how she often uses humor to deal with her disappointment. This line is also a multilayered joke as the writers are also teasing themselves a bit for making the situation incredibly difficult for their characters.


8 “It Is Not Nice To Throw People!”

When Marshmallow is created by Elsa to remove Kristoff, Olaf, and Anna from her castle, this giant snow monster easily picks them up and tosses them out – literally. While most people in Anna’s situation would search for a way around this monster, Anna is feisty, direct, and fearless.

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She is determined to scold Marshmallow for his handling of the situation and screams this line at him while preparing to throw a snowball. Kristoff stops her from making this rash decision and redirects her.

7 “Ooh, That’s A Rough Business To Be In Right Now! I Mean, That Is Really–Ahem, That’s Unfortunate”

This line is yet another example of Anna putting her foot in her mouth by speaking before thinking. When she first meets Kristoff and learns that he sells ice, this line is her response. Her bluntness has a charm to it as she often says what everyone is thinking.

Unlike others who use their bluntness and direct comments as an excuse for their hateful attitude, Anna’s blunt comments come from a pure place and are based on obvious circumstances, not stereotypes. She doesn’t intend to upset others with these comments – in fact, she is often trying to connect with them by recognizing their struggles.

6 “But The Thing Is, She Wore The Gloves All The Time. So I Just Thought, Maybe She Has A Thing About Dirt!”

Anna is not judgmental. She accepts the others around her and their quirks without questioning them as she doesn’t want them to feel attacked or upset. Of course, no one would expect that their sibling had secret magic powers.

It makes sense then that Anna would attribute her sister’s glove-wearing to an ordinary aversion, such as OCD or a phobia of dirt. Still, in a fantastical movie, it is funny to hear a line like this which attributes the possible answer to a big secret being something as typical and normal as a hatred of dirt.

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5 “Oh No, You Didn’t. I’ve Been Up For Hours”

When Anna is woken up from her slumber for her sister’s coronation, she struggles to get out of bed and get ready. Instead of admitting that she has overslept and is exhausted, she pretends that she has been awake. This registers with fans as most people have done this at least once in their life.

Most people have also been on the other side of this situation as well. Whether it be waiting for a friend or trying to wake a child or significant other. It’s just another example of Anna being the most understandable princesses of all time.

4 “Shoe Size Doesn’t Matter!”

This movie pokes fun at the concept of love at first sight. This is an interesting position for a Disney princess movie as these characters call into question a trope that is a staple of almost every other princess movie they have ever made. When Anna tells Elsa about her plan to marry Hans, she is the first to object. Anna is frustrated with her and later explains this to Kristoff who takes the same position as Elsa.

Instead of getting angry and assertive like Elsa, Kristoff takes a different approach. He tries to prove his point to Anna by asking a series of questions she can’t answer, showing how little she knows about Hans. While most of the questions Kristoff asks have real value, he also throws in a question about shoe size prompting this response from Anna. This line is funny and memorable because Kristoff is correct in what he is saying but Anna is unwilling to accept his perspective and latches onto the one bad example he uses as an excuse to dismiss his entire argument.

3 “It Opened! That’s A First”

When Anna approaches Elsa’s castle, she knocks on the door before entering. To her surprise, the door swings open, prompting Anna to say this line. This is a callback to earlier in the movie as Anna is shown trying to get Elsa to answer the door to her bedroom.

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After years of her knocks being ignored by Elsa in their own house, it is a bit ironic that the first time Elsa decides to let her in without hesitation is after she has been found while on the run.

2 “What? I Just Fell Off A Cliff. You Should See Your Hair!”

Anna can be emotional at times, especially when she feels attacked. Her quick wit and impulsiveness prompt her to fire back at Kristoff when she feels he is attacking her for her appearance.

She doesn’t want to be defined by her looks and instead calls attention to the challenge she has just endured. Of course, she has completely understood Kristoff’s comment and he immediately clarifies.

1 “You Tell Me When, I’m Ready To Go. I Was Born Ready!”

Anna is always ready to run headfirst into conflicts, acting on impulse and charging into battle. When she and Kristoff need to scale a mountain, Kristoff works hard to create an elaborate and safe plan.

Fearless Anna is excited and ready to move forward, energetically bouncing around while Kristoff works out the details of the plan. This line is the essence of Anna’s character, serving as the perfect line to represent her.

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