While Elsa’s (Idina Menzel) sexuality hasn’t been determined yet within the Frozen franchise, one theory suggests that Elsa’s love interest may have already been introduced within Frozen 2. Honeymaren (Rachel Matthews), a member of the Northuldra tribe who was trapped in the Enchanted Forest by the curse, could possibly return within the unconfirmed sequel Frozen 3 as Elsa’s girlfriend based on the fact that the two characters share a brief moment of chemistry within Frozen 2.

Ever since Frozen debuted in 2013, the LGBTQ+ community has identified with Elsa’s story arc, since her character has personal goals as a Disney princess that extend beyond finding a prince, doesn’t conform to societal norms, and goes on a journey of self-acceptance. While fans have been advocating for Disney to disclose Elsa’s sexuality since 2016, when the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend began trending, the studio hasn’t yet confirmed or denied that Elsa is gay. At the end of Frozen 2, Elsa learns that she is the reincarnation of the fifth spirit, the mediator between the natural world and civilization, and decides to pass her role as Queen of Arendelle over to her sister Anna (Kristen Bell). If Frozen 3 were to explore her new role as the fifth spirit, the sequel could then naturally introduce Honeymaren as Elsa’s love interest, since the two characters have a similar connection to nature.


Unlike any other minor character previously introduced in the Frozen franchise, Honeymaren is the first one who appears to have an instant and natural connection with Elsa. After Elsa tames the fire spirit Bruni within the Enchanted Forest, Elsa and Honeymaren sit beside a campfire and discuss the meaning behind the embroidery on Iduna’s (Evan Rachel Wood) scarf. Pointing out that the four separate crystal branches on the snowflake represent the four elements of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire, Honeymaren tells Elsa the legends of a fifth elemental spirit, which is represented by the crystal at the center of the snowflake. Since Honeymaren references Ahtohallan and sings Iduna’s lullaby “All Is Found,” it’s clear during the brief encounter that the two characters bond over their shared Northuldra heritage and love of nature. Since Elsa has always had trouble letting other people into her life due to her fear of hurting someone with her elemental magic, her instant connection with Honeymaren could the beginnings of a future romantic relationship. 

Frozen 3 could also naturally bring Elsa and Honeymaren together as a couple since they both live in the same location by the end of Frozen 2: the Enchanted Forest. After Elsa discovers she’s the fifth spirit, she finds her calling as the mediator between the natural world and civilization. Knowing that her place is with nature, Elsa abdicates from the throne of Arendelle in order to live in the Enchanted Forest, a place where natural magic and the elemental spirits thrive. Since Honeymaren is a member of the Northuldra people, it’s safe to assume she will most likely stay with her people in the Enchanted Forest even after the curse is lifted at the end of Frozen 2 since the Northuldra nation values nature and the spirits’ teachings.

Further proof that Elsa and Honeymaren could become a couple in Frozen 3 comes from their first encounter, since it mirrors Anna and Kristoff’s (Jonathan Groff) early relationship. When Anna and Kristoff first met in Frozen, Kristoff became Anna’s guide up to the North Mountain where she intended to convince Elsa to return to Arendelle. Similar to the beginnings of Anna and Kristoff’s relationship, Honeymaren acts as Elsa’s guide in Frozen 2, albeit unknowingly, when she tells her the legends about the fifth spirit. In both cases, Anna and Elsa’s possible love interests provided them with invaluable guidance that helped them achieve their larger goals. If Honeymaren were to become Elsa’s love interest within Frozen 3, her vast knowledge of nature, the elemental spirits, and Northuldra folklore could continue to help Elsa manage her new role as the fifth spirit.

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