Olaf is one of the most popular Disney characters of all time and the reason for that is because of how kindhearted and funny he is. Olaf is a fun-spirited character who is young at heart and because of that he is incredibly playful and he is very inquisitive.

But even though he is very curious as a character, he is also analytical. Olaf quickly works things out and it leads to him giving a lot of great advice with some really heartfelt comments, even if he doesn’t always know what he means. So, let’s take a look at five of his funniest and his five most emotional quotes.

10 Funniest: “Well, That Was Unanimous–But I Will Look It Up When We Get Home.”

During the sequel, Olaf became his own wacky version of Google as he constantly brought out a ton of facts throughout the film. During one scene he goes back and forth with the rest of the characters about facts until they give him an equally insane one and they all agree it’s true.

It’s clear here that Olaf doesn’t quite buy into that idea, but he eventually agrees with them, being convinced by the sheer numbers alone. However, it is the final little comment that he is going to check it that is really funny as he still doesn’t quite trust that they’re not having fun with him.

9 Most Heartfelt: “Love Is Putting Someone Else’s Needs Before Yours.”

Olaf has a great grip on the idea of love and that is clear from this quote especially. It showcases how he knows exactly what love is on a surface level, despite the fact that he has never really experienced it in a romantic fashion.

However, Olaf does this with his actions and doesn’t just say words. He showcases his own efforts of love by behaving in the same way, always helping others and putting people ahead of him, which is how he understands this.


8 Funniest: “It’s Like A Little Baby Unicorn.”

The brilliance of the way that Olaf is animated is that he can be drawn in so many different ways, splitting up his body to make for some really funny moments. A lot of that happens with his nose, and that’s how this great quote ends up happening.

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Shoving his nose in the wrong way round, he makes a comment that it looks like a baby unicorn and it’s the sort of comment that just makes everyone laugh instantly. Because he is so childish at times, this sort of line really works for his character.

7 Most Heartfelt: “I Like Warm Hugs!”

How can this line not be considered incredibly heartfelt? He’s the ideal friend for any young girl to have as he likes to play, laugh, and sing, and then to top it all off he enjoys warm hugs. It showcases why audiences found him so cute and it instantly made him very likable.

Obviously, there is clear irony in him enjoying warm hugs and being a snowman but that is all part of the fun. He is all about cheering people up, which is why he is brought into existence in the first place.

6 Funniest: “Who’s The Funky-Looking Donkey Over There?”

It’s fair to say that Olaf and Kristoff don’t exactly get off on the best of footings. Olaf seems to irritate Kristoff at points and that’s why this quote is so hilarious. It’s mainly the context that this comes in, with this question being asked to Anna the first time that he meets Sven and Kristoff.

Everyone obviously thinks he is talking about Sven, but that isn’t actually the case. Olaf makes it clear he was talking about Kristoff as he then asks what the reindeer’s name is. It’s a fun little joke at Kristoff’s expense and really works well within the movie.

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5 Most Heartfelt: “We Call This Making The Best Out Of What We Can Control!”

In Frozen 2, a lot of Olaf’s storyline is all about dealing with change and how things are moving on which is something he struggles with during the movie. It leads to him asking tons of questions which is a lot of fun, but also brings about some heartfelt moments as well.

This is a great example that as Kristoff is wondering if he is okay, to which Olaf drops this great quote. He makes it clear he is fine and is attempting to deal with the change in the best possible way, which is a really mature way of dealing with situations for him.

4 Funniest: “I Don’t Have A Skull…Or Bones.”

It’s simply impossible not to find this line absolutely hilarious. While everyone watching the film obviously knows he has no bones due to him being a snowman, Olaf himself is surprised by that information. However, he doesn’t actually consider it in detail until other people bring it up.

Instead of questioning why he doesn’t have any bones himself, he just makes the observation and calmly makes this quote. He doesn’t then continue and instead just moves on to something new, which is why it is so funny.

3 Most Heartfelt: “I Love Happy Endings.”

Disney movies are all about happy endings and things being positive, and that is what happens at the climax of Frozen 2. Olaf is brought back after fading away, and he makes it clear how happy he is with the way things are wrapping up.

It’s an emotionally positive moment that gives audiences a really great feeling towards the end of the movie. Things finish nicely and this quote is just a heartfelt and really happy one, which is how his personality is.

2 Funniest: “Oh, Look At That. I’ve Been Impaled.”

Olaf’s funniest quote is absolutely this one, which is the moment that showcases just how Olaf’s brain works. He doesn’t often take his own harm seriously and when he’s launched through the ice, this is the comedic reaction that he takes to it.

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He just calmly addresses the manner, stating the obvious that he’s been impaled but not worrying about it at all. It’s the dry delivery that Josh Gad brings that really makes it funny though, with this just being impossible not to laugh at.

1 Most Heartfelt: “Some People Are Worth Melting For.”

When it comes to Olaf’s most heartfelt or emotional comments, there is no doubt that this quote is the very best. Olaf sacrifices himself in order to keep Anna warm, which is a moment that can easily bring tears to people because it is such a kind and emotional moment.

It’s an amazing moment from the movie and really gives a clear example of the kindness Olaf has in his heart. It is all about putting other people ahead of himself and that’s what he does here, explaining his actions in an incredibly emotional manner.

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